effect of under consumption of nutrients


results in pale skin, fatigue, tiring easily, drop in blood pressure when standing up quickly from lying down and headaches

people at risk

due to iron deficiency

not enough iron rich foods

body doesn't absorb and use iron well enough

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women ( due to blood loss during menstrustraton, pregnant and breast feeding women, veggies/vegans

prevention involves a diet high in red meat or iron rich verges such as spinach and legumes

treatments can involve supplements or an infusion


occurs due to low calcium and vitamin D intake

people at risk

bones become brittle and at risk of being broken easily

when bones loose density due to loss of minerals such as calcium

those with a family history

menopausal women


people who have very low activity levels

increase calcium intake

dairy intakes

consume calcium fortified foods

green leafy veggies



increase vitamin D intake: salmon, tuna, egg yolks, liver

increase weight bearing exercise to improve bone strength



when the body doesn't get enough nutrients- insufficient energy to maintain the body essential functions

due to not eating enough, not eating the right type of food or not absorbing all the nutrients from food

people at risk include

people with limited access to food

people with issues that affect nutrient absorption

people living in poverty or with low incomes

older adults who live alone or have disabilities

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symptoms include

weight loss

muscle wasting

hair loss

pale skin

mental confusion


chronic disease

caused by lack of fibre in the diet, not drinking enough water and lack of excerise

symptoms include

not needing to go to the bathroom as often

straining and pain when passing stools

bloating and cramps

increase intake of fibre rich foods including: wholegrain, fruit and veggies

increase water intake and exercise

reduce the intake of red meat, milk, cheese and white flour products

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foods that are rich in iron are tuna, fishy oils, egg and tofu

Vitamin D is obtained from exposure to the sun

to help constipation walk for 20-30 minutes a day

laxatives as a last resort (but only short term)

can occur when people deliberately restrict they're food intake