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Computer EoY9 (1.4 (Types of Networks (Advantages (Security can be managed…
Computer EoY9
Types of Networks
If one part of the network fails, the whole network could go down
Wide Area Network - Collection of computers over a widegeographical area that are connected and managed centrally
Local Area Network - Collection of computers over a small geographical area that are connected and managed centrally
Forms of Network
Peer-to-Peer Network
Each computer on the network needs to be ,maintained separately
Password are the most common way to prove your identity. They should be strong with a range of characters and should be changed regularly
Access Levels
User access levels control parts of network different groups can access. High authority have higher access levels allowing them to see more sensitive data. They also have the ability to change people's access levels.
The different types are WAP, WAP2 and WEP however this should not be used as it is weak
Encrypting data scrambles the data with a maths formula or "key" which turns the data into seemingly unrelated characters. Encrypted data is called Cipher text and un-encrypted is called plain text
File Compression
That means that the raw sound or movie file has a maths formula applied to it (called a 'codec', short for coder / decoder) so that the raw file gets squashed or 'compressed'. The file then becomes much smaller in size so it can be downloaded and streamed more quickly.
A Broadband router combines a switch and a modem. The router allows many computers to connect to the broadband network. It also has a admin area
A Modem works by taking the digital signals from a computer and turn them into analogue signals. These are passed down a phone line where another modem picks them up and turns them back into digital.
A Network policy is a set of rules or expectations that explain how a person should act and behave on a device. It may also describe responses to certain situations
Flash Memory
Flash Memory also known Solid State Devices. This is because they do not have any moving parts. They are completely electronic
These include SD cards, ROM Chips, Pen Drives
Virtual Memory
It is when the RAM gets to full so allocates a part of the Hardrive to be used like RAM. The Computer however has to swap in and out programs when they need to be used.
Because the RAM is faster than the Hardrive their is delay between the swapping. If the computer has to swap out to much, it will slow down and could crash all together. This is called Disk Thrashing
It uses SRAM which is faster the DRAM and does not constantly need to be refreshed however it is more expensive and requires 6 times transistors and capacitors. It is the less type so you have less in a computer
It uses DRAM which is slower the SRAM and constantly needs to be refreshed however it is cheaper and requires less transistors and capacitors. It is the more common type so you have more in a computer
RAM stands for Random Access Memory which stores a copy of all the programs that the computer is using. This allows the CPU to access them quickly so is called IAS or Immediate Access Store. RAM is a lot quicker than the Hardrive
It is called Volatile Memory because when RAM loses power all the data is lost and cannot be retrieved
Inside the CPU
Von Neumann architecture is when only one processor so can only do one is used. It also can only tell the difference between instruction and data by its position in the RAM,
This design however creates a bottleneck as no matter how fast your other components are, it can only do one thing at a time
Types of Storage
Solid State -- They use a electrical circuits where semi-conductor material where a pattern of on/off switchs
It has a limited number of read and write cycles which limits its useful time, However the SS are usually very reliable.
Magnetic - When the tape is magnetised it kept there magnetism. The tape is divided into million of tiny segments. Being magnetised and being demagnetised represents binary
Optical -- A lazer burns a pattern into the surface of the disk. Another lazer skims over the disk, if the dot is reflected differently if there is or ins't a dot there. That's how the data is read
Secondary Storage
Secondary Storage is crucial if you want to access something later. Some examples it saves the Operating System or your contacts, photos and videos.