Catholic Church and the Counter Reformation

Baroque and the Counter Reformation

Jesuits and Ignatius Loyola

Consul of Trent

Lectures and Objectives

The Catholic Church formed a new order called the Jesuits led by Ignatius Loyola and emphasized education.

The baroque art, music, and architecture style was adopted by the Catholic Church to bring out the strong emotions of the Christian faith.

The Council of Trent (1545-1563) examined how the Catholic Church would reform for the better. It played a vital role in revitalizing the Roman Catholic Church in many parts of Europe.


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Said that people needed to get back to scripture

1545-1563 the council remained together

People needed to get back into doing the traditions of God

Agreed on Anathema

From a young boy Loyola wanted to do good deeds

Wrote a book over spiritual life

Loyola believe people were fighting against the devil

Loyola was a knight

Baroque style is easily recognizable by its loads of detail on the work

Baroque music was composed by artists such as Bach

Baroque style was created due to the Catholic Church




The Catholic Church responded to the Protestant movement with the Counter Reformation.

Council of Trent was formed during Counter Reformation