Corporate Governance in China

Legal system: Civil Law

Important aspect: Influence of Communist Party:

Board structure: Dual

Main business form:State-owned enterprises, joint stock

Predominant ownership structures: Sate

The Code

Shareholders and shareholders’ meetings

Listed company and its controlling shareholders

Directors and board of directors

Supervisors and supervisory board

Performance assessments and incentive and disciplinary systems


Information and disclosure and transparency

emphasized importance of the provision of timely and accurate information

Shareholder available access to information

mention any plans to improve its corporate governance

disclose information relating to the shareholding distribution

supervise effectively the directors and managers

examine knowledgeably
the company’s financial matters

accountable to shareholders

Role And Responsibilities

corporate finance,

overseeing the directors’ and managers’ performance

protecting the
company’s and shareholders’
legal rights and interests

performance should be assessed through a fair
and transparent procedure

evaluated by the board of
directors or by the remuneration/appraisal committee

compensation for management personnel should be linked to both the company’s performance and the individual’s work performance

company should respect the legal rights of the various
stakeholder groups

Company should provide them with information as appropriate.

concerned with the welfare, environmental protection and public interests of the community

attend appropriate training sessions

suitably qualified with appropriate
skills and knowledge.

should meet periodically with pre-set agenda

establish various committees of the board

remuneration and appraisal committee

strategy committee

audit committee

nomination committee

should ‘faithfully, honestly, and diligently perform
their duties for the best interests of the company
and all shareholders

establish communication channels with shareholders

ensure that all shareholders are treated fairly,
especially minority shareholders

controlling shareholders initially nominate the candidates for directors and supervisors

listed company should be able to act independently of the controlling shareholders


accounting management systems
