impacts of development on environment
manufacturing and extractive industries
large scale and capital intensive modern farming that refers to the industrialisation production of livestock, poultry, fish and crops.
GM Crops
less chemical fertiliser needed
sustainability improves (climate change)
cost of food to the poor may be lowered
resistance to disease improves
❌Burkina Faso - Bt cotton
⭐IR8 - by genetically modifying rice to make it protein rich, 4.5 million people's lives were saved in Asia (India).
cross-contamination breeds 'super-weeds'
allergies to foods may increase
biodiversity reduces, may threaten some species with extinction.
lower antibiotic properties
lack of testing makes people feel uneasy
Bill Gates heavily involved in crop production
reduces pesticides, raises productivity
education provided for planting and seeds being adapted to droughts
GM crops cost $48 whereas convectional seeds cost $2.
If termites wont eat GM crop roots, why should humans?
Bt cotton yields have rapidly dropped in comparison to conventional cotton, and pesticides are still having to be used.
exploitation of natural resources
Oil Spills 2008/9 in Bodo, Nigeria
fishing grounds, mangrove trees and farmland are seriously affected. Destroyed ecosystem.
in 2015, Shell agreed to pay £55 million to the community of Bodo. This is the largest compensation to a community as a result of environmental damage in the world.
largest CO2 emission fro Nigeria and Indonesia, whereas China is the lowest. China are purchasing rosewood in large amounts - 55% of forests.
Bodo, Nigeria
Flooding is also a major issue. In rural areas waste in dumped in rivers, while in urban areas there are large scale landfills. This has strong links with the high levels of malaria and aids, as well as blocking drains which increasing the devastating impacts of flooding.
Kenya flower industry
Kenyan flower farms employ 100,000 people, the vast majority of whom are women.
⭐38% of all Europe’s cut flowers were supplied by Kenya in 2015.
women faced with institutional sexism and a high incidence of sexual harassment and abuse from supervisors who are almost always men.
positive multiplier effect for workers and tax revenue
economic stimulation for the country
eutrophication of rivers and lakes
abuse of workers rights
water levels falling underground
South Africa coal
South Africa’s dependence on coal to generate 85% of its electricityis taking a substantial toll on human health.
Locals from informal settlements provided with free coal which they collect in wheelbarrows, but they are not supplied with any of the thousands of megawatts of electricity that is transported via pylon lines over this area.
experts say it is an open secret that private companies pay for Environmental Assessment to work in their favour.
water resources in Windhoek, Nambia
Gold mines also leak toxic chemicals and affect water supplies that consequently develop PH-levels similar to those of battery acid.
2 379 hospital admissions per year as a result of air pollution from coal burning.
Deforestation and soil erosion from agricultural chemicals such as DDT and a threat to the environment.
The uncontrolled harvesting of trees by informal settlers for fuel wood and building material currently poses the main threat to biodiversity found in the Windhoek Green Belt Landscape.
The nation's cities produce about 1 million tons of solid waste per year.
Dumping of waste in unauthorised localities as a result of the ineffective location and/or number of dumping sites.
The nation's cities produce about 1 million tons of solid waste per year.
⭐SSA total net loss of 30 million hectares of forest due to deforestation, desertification and a changing climate. negative multiplier effect.