renewable energy -- alternative energy sources
transition to renewable enrgy
environmental benefits:
saves lives by reducing air pollution
help keep climate change from spiraling out of control and creating ecological and economic chaos
slow the increase in ocean acidity
economic benefits
save money
create jobs and business opportunities
energy priorities
- improving energy efficiency, reducing energy waste
- decreasing our dependence on nonrenewable fossil fuels
- relying more on a mix of renewable energy
energy efficiency and energy conservation are the biggest sources of renewable energy
energy efficiency is a measure of how much useful work we can get from each unit of energy we use
energy conservation means reducing or eliminating the unnecessary wasting of energy
energy efficiency generally concerns unavoidable loss that happens as a result of inefficient technology and systems
energy conservation generally concerns avoidable loss that happens as a result of carelessness or ignorance
- energy-inefficient technologies:
- internal combustion engine
- nuclear, coal, and natural gas power plants
- data centers
- ways to improve our energy-efficiency
- power plants and industry:
- variable-speed electric motors
- reduce, reuse, recycle
- cogeneration
- upgrade the electrical grid to an energy-efficient smart grid
- transportation - CAFE vehicle fuel efficiency targets
- electric and hybrid vehicles
- mass transit systems -- discourage car use
- buildings - insulate building for more efficient heating and cooling
- use energy-efficient appliances, devices and lights
- switch off unused energy-consumers, especially computers and servers
- industries and power plants
fuel economy (mpl, kilometers per liter)
- utilities: power plants
- industries: all facilities and equipment used to produce, process, or assemble goods
- ways for industry to save money and fuel:
- variable-speed electric motors
- recycling materials
- energy-efficient in offices
- cogeneration
- cogeneration is to produce two useful forms of energy (electricity and heat) from the same fuel source
corporate average fuel economy (CAFE)
energy-efficient vehicles
gasoline-electric hybrid cars
plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
all-electric vehicle
reducing weight of vehicle
- consumers and their car usage
- tax breaks
- fuel-efficient vehicles
- raise taxes on gasoline
- importe mass transit systems
-bicycle-only routes and areas
biggest energy costs at home heating, cooling, electronics and appliances
home insulation
green architecture
energy star US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
solar energy
passive solar heating system - absorbs and stores heat from the sun directly
cooling buildings naturally (wind)
solar cookers
solar thermal systems / concentrated solar power
parabolic mirrors
moving mirrors
solar cells for electricity
photovoltaic cells/solar cells
no greenhouse gases or pollutants
no toxic materials
easy-to-use, low maintenance
low energy efficiency
cannot produce electricity at night
wind power
wind turbines and wind farms
- wind power has the potential to produce 40 times the world's current for electricity
- advantages of wind power
- wind is abundant, widely distributed, and inexhaustible
- carbon-free and pollution-free
- fast and relatively cheap
- increasing energy efficiency and reducing costs
- disadvantages
- wind turbines kill birds and bats 😢
- geothermal energy geothermal heat pump system is the most energy-efficient, reliable, environmentally clean, and cost-effective way to heat or cool a space
hydrothermal reservoirs
- advantages:
- medium net energy
low CO2 emissions
- drilling geothermal wells is expensive and risky
- not many hydrothermal sites with concentrations of heat high enough to make it affordable
- can be non-renewable if heat is extracted faster can be restored
deep heat
- energy can be produced by bringing the soil biomass or organic matter or converting it to gaseous or liquid biofuels
- liquid biofuels:
- ethanol
- biodiesel
- advantages:
- can be grown throughout much of the world
- no net increase in CO2 emissions
- easy to store and transport
- bad idea tho
- 20% more greenhouse gases
- uses huge amount of water
- ecosystems destroyed
- algae
- advantages:
- can grow year-round
10 times more energy
- too costly
biodigesters -- biogas
fed with organic material, which is broken down by bacteria to produce biogas, can be used as fertilizer
advantages: reduces amount of waste
helps get rid of and make use of food and plant waste
reduces amount of livestock and human waste entering water ecosystems
too low net energy for mass scale
impurities can damage
uses flowing rivers, tidal flow, waves
dams - least expensive
tidal energy and wave energy
no CO2 emissions or air pollutants
more efficient
little maintenance
renewable energy and the economy
shift could be accelerated by
full-cost pricing to include health and environmental costs
tax carbon emissions
subsidize renewable energy
eliminate subsidies for fossil fuel industries
feed-in-tariff system
mandate that a certain percentage of the electricity generated by utility companies