B207 TMA 03 Building long term success
Planning for the future
Future of leadership
Relationships and marketing
Time and innovation
Risk management
Quality control
Creating shared value - (Porter and Kramer, 2011)
Quality and improvement
use of AI and tech
7 key tools (Moore 2017)
Crisis management
Preparing for crises
Griffin's (2008) ten suggestions
Crisis management
Tybout and Roehm's (2009) framework for responding to crises
Internally generated issues
Externally generated issues
Brand sabotage
Direct and indirect damage caused by unexpected events
Change management
Opportunities and challenges
Leadership vs management
Short- and long-term success
Management is not leadership (Lunenburg, 2011)
Risk assessments (risk matrix)
Sustainable innovation culture
Capitalism and creative destruction (Schumpeter, 1994)
Fun + Work (Wakefield, 2016)
Home working/flexible working
Engage and involve employees (Wood, 2015 & Kornelakis, 2014)
Increasing inequality and unemployment levels
Calls for more access to training and development and better benefits for employees
Progress, improvements and innovations
Transformation and sustainability
Quality assurance
Product/Service design
Quality assurance
Quality gaps model (customers)
Resilience - response performance
Risk mitigation strategies (Ericsson)
Relationship marketing (Harris, 2017)
Loyalty ladder
Partners, businesses etc,
Transactional vs Relational
Internal marketing
Management - focus on the business
Leadership - focus on the people
Everyone should enact leadership (Mowles, 2014)
Strategic leadership
Herzberg's two factor model
Establishing a culture that motivates
Maslow's hierarchy of needs