The internal structures of the terrestrial planets


The origin of planets


How do we know?

Xenoliths (mening strange rocks) are brought up from depths during volcanic erruptions

Mean density of the Earth can be calculated

Sesimic evidence

P (longitudinal) and s (transverse waves) can be measured from opposite sides of the planet. P waves travel through everything, s waves only solids. S waves can not get through the core

Earth has a magnetic field which shouldn't be possible as there is no SOLID above 1200 degrees with magnetic properties. The core must then be partially liquid.

Condensation of the solar nebula

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Accretion process begins

Formation of planetesimals

Accretion of planetary embryos

Impact of planetary embryos

Differentiation of planetary embryos

Heating a planet

Tidal heating

Radiogenic heating

Primodial heat


Impacts on a planet are still common. Earth recycles the crust with volcanic action.