antiarthritic drugs and skeletal muscle relaxants[NSAIDs,anti-inflamatory steroids and DMARDs]
Gold salts[sodium aurothiomalate and Auranofin]
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drug name
Chloroquine is primarily an antimalarial drug that is useful in rheumatoid arthritis
machanisim of action
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machanism of action
it reduces the migration of leucocytes innto the tissues
inhibit the release of chemical mediators of inflamatoin
Gold is known to inhibit the proliferation of the lymphocytes
it is largely unknown
side effects
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itching followed by rashes,which can progress to exfoliation
route of administration
sodium aurothiomalate is usualy given weekly by deep intramuscular injection.
auranofin is given orally.
renal damage-urine must be tested for protein at each visit
bone marrow suppression required weekly blood counts and patient should report bleeding and bruising.
dose-related diarrhoea with auranofin,which can be stopped by a high fiber diet.
Gold reduces swelling and treats the pain and stiffness.
disease progress in terms of joints and bone damage is slowed
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storage condition
route of administration
nursing consideration
mechanism of action
penicillamine is a chelating agent recormended for the removal of excess copper in patients with wwilsons disease.
penicillamine is used to treat Wilson's disease,cystituria, and patients with severe,active,rheumatoid arthritis who have failed to respond to an adequate trial of conventional therapy.
firmly it is esttablished as a second line drug and chemically it is an antagonist of folic acid and is cytotoxic.
mechanisim of action
it was originaly introduced for the treatment of cancer
it was also found to slow disease progression in rhuematic arthritis in terms of joint and bone damage.
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nursing considerations
side effects
treats the morning sickness and joint pain of rheumatic arthritis
treats the skin lessions of lupus erythematosus
it exert itts effects partly by blocking the production of one or more of the inflamatory mediators
and by interfering with the actions of leucocytes
it also inhibits the the proliferation of lymphocytes.
nursing consideration
side effects
storage condition
route of administration
observe for ototoxins[tinitus,vertigo,changes in hearing ability.]
patient with maculopaty
headache,diarrhea,stomach pain,loss of appetite,hairloss,mood and mental changes
stored at room temparature(15-25 degres of celcius)
it is administered orally in the form of tablet or liquid
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nursing consideration
mechanisim of action
side effects
storage condition
route of admministration
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it must be given on empty starmach before meals atleast at one hour ortwo hours after meals.
use of penicillamine is contraindicated with pregnancy.
it must be kepted tightley closed
administered orally.
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storage condition
route of administration
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protect from light
products in powder form is stable for 6 months at room temparature when stored properly
upon resuspension, chloroquine should be stored at 4degres
chloroquine is contraindicated to patients with hearing loss,anemea and alcoholism
decrease field defect and porphyria.
lupus erythematosus
observe for alergic reactions such as pluritis,rash,urticaria.
opthalmic tests requiredc in long term treatment
toxicity is a problem,observe for signs
mothers on therapy with penicillamine should not breastfeed their infants.
patients with a history of penicillamine-related aplastic aneamia.
notb given to pattients with evidence of renel insuficience.
side effects
give patient pyridoxin daily as an supplement.