Generalist OHS Professional in Australia

Perceptions of the OHS professional

OHS educational issues

Australia legislation development

OHS paradigm shifts (ages of safety)

OHS professional roles

Advisory service line to management

View of low profile with policy makers and regulators

WorkSafe Victoria

Advocation with other regulators & Safe Work Australia

Accreditation of OHS professional education and certification

Heightened interest in OHS Body of Knowledge project

2008-2012 strategy - "Repositioning of the OHS Professional"

Low profile role within organisations

Modest social status

Outside management team

Influential only to technical matters

Negative perceptions of the role

"Fun Police"



Low awareness of the OHS role in the community

Less importance placed on OHS in the workplace & prevention of injuries

Minimal school leaver enrolments into OHS educational programs

Confusion due to various options of OHS education ranging from VET to Higher Education