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digestive and urinary system (location of digestion and absorption of…
digestive and urinary system
major functions
it is a filter , eliminates the bad takes in the good , a kidney is bean shapes
kidneys- regulate you water volume, concentrations, and ph levels & influence your red blood cells production and blood pressure
3 layers: renal cortex-renal medulla(secrets urine)-renal pelvis(uriner to bladder)
consists of organs that are involved in the breaking down to food into molecules that can pass through the wall of the digestive tract and can be taken by the cells
gastrointestinal(GI) - also called alimentary canal or digestive tract
tube within a tube, open system (exposed to the exterior)
each pair of organs in the abdominal cavity of mammals, excreting urine
this organ filters waste products from the blood
regulate blood pressure
red cell production in the body
the organ in the lower body of a women or female mammal where offspring are conceived and in which they gestate before birth
nurturing the fertilized ovum that develops into the fetus and holding it till the baby is mature enough for birth
a membraneous sac in humans and other animals in which urineis collected for excretion
stores urine, allowing urination to be infrequent and controlled
urine is made in the kidneys and travel down to tubes called ureters
the duct by which urine is conveyed out of the body from the bladder, and which in male vertebrates also conveys semen
tube that carries urine from the bladder to outside the body
in males . it has the additional function of ejaculating semen when the man reaches an orgasm
when the penis is erect during sex,the flow of urine is blocked from the urethra, allowing only semen to be ejaculated at orgasm
accessory organs
supply secretions such as enzymes,saliva.mucus,etc. aiding in the breakdown of food
alimentary canal
extends from mouth to anus
passage for foods
opening into to oral cavity
oral cavity are enclosed by the teeth and lips
mechanical digestion by the teeth by mastication(chewing)
mixing foods with saliva by the tongue to make bolus(ball of foods)
initiates of deducution(swallowing
located posteriorly to mouth , passage for food
inferior to oropharynx
involved in deglutition , forcing bolus from the mouth to esophagus
callapsable tube runs from the pharynx to stomach, pass through diaphram
located posteriorly to the trachea
food transported by peristalis
no digestive function, only passage for food
located left of the abdominal cavity in the left hypochondriac region
food enters at the cardioesophageal sphincter (prevents food or stomach acid enters esophagus)
digestive enzymes (functions)
gall bladder
stores bile and released into duodenum when needed
enzymes- amylases, proteases,lipases,and nucleas
produces bile
removal of drugs
hardest substance in body
functions to mechanically breaks down food into smaller pieces
enzymes- saliva
esophagus-- amylase,lysozyme and lingual lipase
paratoid gland-sublingual gland
produces saliva
it moistens food intoi bolus
produces digestive enzymes lipsae(digest fats)
pacreatic amylase and trypsin and chymotrypsin
regulates blood sugar
location of digestion and absorption of every macromolecule
taking in of food through the mouth
propulsioand segmentation
forward movement and mixing of food down the GI tract
propulision by contraction and relaxation of smooth muscles lining the alimentary canal
process of breaking down larger food molecules into smaller pieces
mechanical digestion
physical breakdown of food by cutting and grinding
chemical digestion
requires enzymes
absorption-transport of digestion end product into blood and lymph through the wall of GI tract
defection-elimination of indigesible substances from the body in the form of feces
layer of GI tract
from inner layer or lining to the exterior
mucosa,submucosa,muscularis or muscular layer,serosa
produces mucus for reduction of friction and protection
many elastic fibers to retain shape
submucosal plexus-autonomic nerve supply
glands and lymphatic vessels
two layer of smooth muscles to allow peristalsis and segmentation
mouth-pharynx-superior esophagus-anal sphincter: voluntary muscle
outer covering at the GI tract.
serous membrane
composed of thin layer of areolar connective tissue and simple squamous epithelium
2 parts
the renal corpsule and tubules
tubules are split into the proximal tubule, the loop of henle , the distal tubule and the collecting ducts
cortex of the kidney
cup-shaped structure called bowman's capsule
surrounds a tuft of capillaries called the glomerulus that carries blood from the renal arteriesinto the nephrone
where plasma is filtered through the capsule
interstitial cystis
also called painful bladder syndrome
chronic bladder condition
commonly in women
causes bladder pressure and pain
protasis is swelling of the prostate gland
kidney stones
treat male reproductive organs
yeast infection may be a cause to females with this disorder
kidney -adrenal gland- ureters-bladder-urethra
blood cancer
more in men and elders
there has been deaths from blood cancer
symptoms include: pelvic pain/ troupe urinating
cancer society
symptom- back or pelvic pain
difficult during urnating
mimics other diseases in the urinary system
abdominal pain
blood in your stool
reduce appetite
heart burn
burning feeling in the chest behind the breaststone that happens after eating and lasts a few minutes
chest pain , especially after being down
burning in the throat
difficulty swallowing
gall stones
pain can be severe
pain areas in the back or upper right abdomen
cramping from gallstones
upper belly pain
sometimes no symptoms
loss of appetite
dull pain near the navel or the upper abdomen that becomes sharp as it moves to the lower abdomen
loss of appetite
nausea and-or vommiting soon after abdominal pain begins
abdominal swelling
fever of 99-102 degrees Fahrenheit
inability to pass gas