A long and twisted story, where a group of individuals survives in an apocalyptic world together. However, they do not go from town to town stealing from people, they perform old Shakespeare plays from before the outbreak that destroyed the world. The storyline itself is out of order, going back and forth between before the outbreak and after. At first, it is confusing, but you slowly start to see how one character and his interactions with others lead to where people were during the outbreak. Even the title of the book, "Station Eleven", is in regard to set of graphic novels, which did not even get published. The performing group goes to perform in a town, and they are met by a religious advisory, who uses the graphic novels as a religious script almost. The group leaves town as they are spooked, but then the group is separated, as the religious leader starts to pick some of them off. The religious leader is killed, but this is not the main meat of the story. Most of the story is the build up to this moment, and how even though none of these people know that they are all connected.