3 Reasons on how we miss God in the transition
The Picture is not clear
Most times when we approach God, we want Him to give us a clear picture of what our lives should be. Before I relocate, I need to know where I will work, how much I will make, and what my house will look like, etc
Walking with God is like walking with The Divine Compass.
Genesis 12:1 Go to a land I will show you
Matthew 4:19 Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men, not follow Me because I have made you fishers of men. The picture becomes clearer as we follow.
Tuhan seringkali membawaku ke untested water, uncertain future.
As I move with God, the picture becomes clearer.
The Assignment is too daunting
It is interesting how the Gospel describes the rich young ruler. He is first rich, he is then young, and he rules. To transition him, Jesus reaches to the very core of his identity, to give it all up.
Muda, kaya, dan ruler. Ketika diminta jual kekayaannya, shock dia karena mungkin tanpa kekayaannya dia bukanlah siapa2, identitasnya goncang.
The Timing is not right
Dr. Samuel Chand say, "when you are 100% sure, you are too late".
We approach life with an attitude of, "it needs to feel right" before we can make that change.
In His time, He makes all things beautiful, not our time.
Ecclesiastes 3:11