American Dream
stop discrmination
great possibilities
land of opportunities
fulfillment of human wishes
pursuit of happiness
right mental attitude is important
no importance of the social status you are in when you were born
cotial concept: freedom to develop only limited by your capability
achive your aims by working hard
you can do it if you really want
richer and fuller life
from rags to riches
from dishwasher to millionair
simple fulfilling life
land of unlimited oppportunities
Criticism/ Problems
less time to enjoy this prosperity
too much focus on financial gain
Dream became the pursuit of material prosperity
the working poor could never achive it
Difficulty to combine maximal spiritual and material progress
it is just an illusion
Even if you work hard, you may not succeed
strong discrepancy between reality and dream
Dream doesnt always come true
American falls short of the dream
Whose dream?
poor European, (political) refugees
equality (Civil rights movement)
religious freedom(Puritans, Huguenotes)
spiritual improvement
belief in the future
search fot freedom and happiness
democratic system
material prosperity
promise of freedoms ..., chances, equality (constitution)