what can the government do with all your information? well, if they are really curious enough to find out your pets name? yes, they can, and what next? the initiatives of the government are to satisfy the best of their people, and you, are, unfortunately, their people.
you might say that even if the government is not going to do bad things about it, others will try to steal/grab it from the government. you know, it is like there's the best cheese in the world and everyone just want to have it no matter what. it may fall into the wrong hands--
well then, I must say, don't worry, it is the government that doesn't want this piece of cheese to be grabbed by anyone else. the most.
and it is safer for the government to take control of it than the companies: the initiatives of the companies are nothing to do our lives they just want to maximise their profit. who knows what they gonna do to maximise their profit? It's not news for companies to sell customers personal information i mean.