3.5 - The Church as the Body of Christ

Essential info

The People of God means the group of people who have found faith in Jesus

Each member has a responsibility to contribute to the Church in different ways.

The body of Christ means the individuals who form the Christian community.

The Church as the people of God

People who have come to Jesus in faith and through baptism.

They are part of a "chosen race...a holy nation" (1 Peter) belonging to God.

The Church as the Body of Christ

Jesus is the head the leads the body

United through baptism

Strength of individuals joining together as one community

The work of Jesus is continued on earth as the living body, spreading the Gospel

"For as in one body we have many members" (Romans 12)

"For by one spirit we are all baptised into one body" (1 Corinthians)

The importance of this unity for Catholics today

"the body is one and has many members" (1 Corinthians)

Individual Catholics are different parts of the 'body', and they are joined together as one. After the ascension, each person has a crucial role to play in following Jesus' example on earth.

The Church

The clergy: deacons, priests, bishops

The religious: monks, nuns, brothers, sisters

The laity: married life, single life

"Christ has no body but yours" (St Teresa of Avila)

Divergent attitudes

Who is the head?

Who is the Body of Christ








Authority from councils of bishops or patriarchs working together with the agreement of the people.

Most believe the Bible as God's Word is sole authority. Some also believe Church leaders have God-given authority to lead communities.


Orthodox Church

All Christians