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Minority Rights History paper 1 (Hispanic Americans (Hispanic problems…
Minority Rights History paper 1
Native American Rights
Native American Problems
many lived on reservations
unemployment 10 times national rate
life expendency 20 years lower than average
suicide rate 100 time s higher thaan white
BEER abuse
still had problems later on
Native American Actions
American India movement founded on red power
protest at alctraz 19 months more than 400 people from 50 tribes
sit in at the buerau of indian affairs
lobbyed the Congress
in alaska,maine and massachusetts they won settlements
in 1975 congress passed the indian self determination and education assistance act
Hispanic Americans
Hispanic Growth
immigrations and high birth rate poplutation grew from 3 million to 20 million from 1960 to 1980
Hispanic problems
most were poor
language barrier
some believed they should be taught in spansih a d tsome believed they shiuld be taught in english
election of chicanos' to governorships in new Mexico and Arizona
bi lingual teaching
presidential candidates courting the hsipanic vote
Mexican Americans
9 millions in 1970 treated similar to black americans
economic action
ceser C founded the united farm workers in california
launched a series of strikes for increasing wages and benefiting migrant workers
it won its fight
Chicanos' rights
young activists in the 60s supported brown power
rebellious and sometimes criminal young men
Gay rights
the situation in 1950
from mid 1930s homo sex and cross dressing and been penalised
labelled as a mental disorder by APA
they could hide their indentity to be less vulnerable
Mattachine society
several gay men founded this and they shared their expericences
Gay activism
stonewall raid
lead to riots
joining groups like they gay activists alliance and the gay liberation front
ensure equal treatment under law
ensure their is disclousre
decrimialised gay acts
encouarge gay people to come out the closet
APA removed they gay from disese
anti dicrimination leglisatlion
no longer harrased by police
won several dicrimniantion employement cases
the problem of AIDS
Politcians were slow to devote resourfcs to combat aids only gay man can get
promoted safe sex and governement resoruces
over discriination of gays ended
by 1980s played and incresing role in social and political life
christian coalition founded by envangalical minister pat robertson
launched crusades against gay rights