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reproductive system (disorders of the reproductive system (gonorrhea…
reproductive system
disorders of the reproductive system
most common std
caused by bacteria
can be cured with antibiotics
male symptoms
discharge from penis and or burning during urination
burning and itching around urethral opening
pain and swelling in testicles
low-grade fever due to inflammation of testicles or epididymis
female symptoms
no symptoms
white or grey vaginal discharge or burning during urination
lower pelvic or abdominal pain
bleeding during menstrual periods
low grade fever due to infection progressing
caused by bacteria
spread from close sexual contact
can be spread from mother to child during child birth
can be spread to other unlikely parts of body
male symptoms
yellow or whitedrip/discharge from penis
burning or pain when urinating
frequent urination
swollen testicles
female symptoms
yellow or white discharge from vagina
may be burning or pain when urinating
bleeding between periods and heavier or more painful periods
cramps or pain in lower abdomen
nausea and fever
caused by bacteria and can be cured with antibiotics in early stages
spread from person to person through direct contact with syphilis sore,seme, or vaginal fluids
sores appear everywhere semen and vaginal fluids comes in contact with such as genitals ,anus,rectum,lips,mouth,and eyes
early symptoms
painful sores at point of contact called chancres
chancres can turn to copper-colored skin rashes on hand and feet or cover entire body
later symptoms
fever , headache, l loss of appetite
symptoms disappear but bacterium remains in body and eventually travel to other organs including brain, eyes, heart,. etc. causing organ damage
can lead to death in ten to thirty years due to heart attack or from brain damage
viral and parasitic stds
caused by a herpes virus
cannot be cured but can be treated with antiviral medication
male symptoms
small sores or clusters of blisters on penis
female symptoms
blisters in or around the vagina
fever and headaches
genital/ veneral warts
5.5 million new cases in the u.s
caused by the human papilloma virus
no cure but prevent through vaccination
symptoms same for males and females
associated with cervical cancer in females
warts look like tiny cauliflowers but they can be
may cause itching,brining but most often do not cause pain
warts may be not detected in femlaes because they are located internally
acquired immune deficiency syndrome
cause by human immunodificency virus
spread through sexual intercourse but can be passed by sharing needles or from mother to babay through child birhth or breast feeding
no cure only treatment
no symptoms until immune system is activated
fever, fatigue
swollen lymph nodes
weight loss
opportunistic infections
pubic lice or crabs
cause by a parasite that look like crabs
usally located around pubic area around the hair but can be found in axilla, eyelashes, and moustatches
spread through direct contact with lice
a terrible, persisting itching around area treated with shampoo cream
caused by a tiny parasite
mostly common in women
can be transmitted to baby during delivery
female symptoms
itching and burning at opening of vagina and vulva
painful frequent urination
heavy, unpleasent,frothy,greenish,yellow discharge
male symptoms
discomfort in urethra or inflamed head of penis
treatment through oral medication
functions of reproductive system
male reproductive system
functions to produce and disseminate large quantity of male gamete
female reproductive system
functions in production of female gamete and preparation for support of developing embryo during pregnancy
anatomy of male and female reproductive structures
male reproductive structures
female reproductive structures
uterine tube
recieve the ovulated oocyte
provide a site for fertilization
fertilization occurs inside the uterine tube
attatched medially to the uterus
regions of uterine tubes
open end is funnel shaped, not directly connect to ovary
finger-like projections at the distal end that draws to ovum into the uterine tube
cilia inside the uterine tube slowly move the oocyte towards the uterus
located between the urinary bladder and rectum
hollow organ
recieve a fertilized gg
retain the fertilized egg
nourishes the fertilized egg
support for uterus
broad ligament
attatched to the pelvis
round ligament
anchor inteiorly
uterosacral ligament
anchored posteriorly
regions of uterus
main portion
area where uterine tube enters
narrow outlet that protrudes into the vagina or opening into the uterus
walls of uterus
inner layer
allows for implantation of a fertilized egg
sloughs off if no pregnancy occurs druing menses
middle layer of smooth muscle
outer visceral peritoneum
extends from cervix to exterior of body
behind bladder and in front of rectum
serves as a birth canal
recieves the penis during sexual intercourse
partially closes the vagina untill it is ruptured
external genitalia
also called the vulva
mons pubis
fatty pd over the pubic area,covered by pubic hair after puberty
skin folds around the vagina opening
labia majora
outer fold
labia minora
inner fold
hormones of reproductive system
male sex hormones
leutinizing hormone (LH)
stimulates seminiferous tubules to secrete testosterone
follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
at puberty stimulates Sertoli cells for sperm production and maturation
both LSH and FSH
released by anterior pituitary gland in the brain
gonadotropin releasing hormone (GNRH)
released by hypothalamus in the brain to stimulate anterior pituitary gland to release LH and FSH
triggered by low levels of testosterone
controlled by negative feedback
stimulates reproductive organ development and sex drive
causes secondary sex characteristics
deepening of voice
increased hair growth
enlargement of skeletal muscle
thickening of bones
released by the testes when high levels of testosterone are present to release stimulate hypothalamus to release gonadotropin inhibiting hormone to stop production of LH and FSH
female sex hormones
gonadotropin releasing hormone
released by hypothalamus in the brain to stimulate anterior pituitary gland to release LH and FSH
follicle stimulating hormone
stimulates the development and maturation of primary follicle into secondary follicle
luteinizing hormone
spike of hormone will trigger ovulation of the most mature follicle
both LH and FSH
released by anterior pituitary gland in the brain
decrease release of FSH by anterior pituitary gland
primary female sex hormone released by follicle
low levels causes release of FSH
high levels causes release of LH and GNRH
thickening uterine walls
causes breast development
skeletal muscle growth
bone thickening
widening of hips
appearance of bodily hair
triggers suppression the hypothalamus from releasing GNRH
stimulates the development and growth of the lining of the uterine wall to get ready for implantation
events of the female hormonal cycle
ovarian cycle
follicular phase
day 1-14
extends from the beginning of the mestration until ovulation
FSH causes follicular cells develop into primary follicle
follicular cells secrete estrogen to become secondary follicle
only one follicle become graafian follicle
day 14
triggered by sudden spike increase in LH caused by steady increase in estrogen stimulating the pituitary gland
graafin follicle releases the oocyte
slight rise in progesterone just before ovulation causes basal body temperature to rise about 0.4-0.6
luteal phase
day 15-28
when follicle expels the oocyte, the empty shell becomes corpus luteum
corpus luteum secretes progesterone, some estrogen, and inhibin which supresses FSH
in the absence of pregnancy, corpus luteum becomes corpus albicans causing the decrease in progesterone and estrogen
if pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum continues to secrete progesterone and estrogen
menstrual cycle
proliferative phase
day 6-14
estrogen stimulates growth of blood vessels of the endometrium causing it to double in thickness
thickening of endometirum allows ovulated egg to be caught to cause implantation
day 1-5
decline of estrogen and progesteron cause the spiral arteries to constrict , cells become ischemic and dies and are sloughed off or shed
bleeding last for 3-5
secretory phase
day 15-28
in response to rising levels of progesterone by the corpus luteum, the uterus becomes redy for pregnancy
uterine glands enlarge and secrete nutrients to sustain the embryo until implantation occurs
if pregnancy does not occur, towards the end of phse, LH levels drops due to high levels of progesterone
progesterone levels drop the following decline in LH leading into mestrual phase