Challenges to Godly Wisdom 1. Wicked men 2. Adulterous Women. A)The idea is not men are wicked and women are adulterous, but that there are people with evil intent out here who can derail you from God's path to wisdom, both men and women. Wisdom is seen as the saviour, it can save you from both the wicked and the adulterous. There is something about their words though that can give them away, because its mentioned for both the wicked man and the adulteress woman. His words, bend the truth or are a distortion of the truth, while her words are enticing, its seductive, she knows what you would like to hear and she plays on that.
Thus if wisdom has entered you it will save you from these pitfalls. You will persevere in doing good and in a Godly path.Wisdom will keep us to Eternity and the inheritance God has waiting for us. But the wicked will be destroyed.
B) Wisdom will save you from those who have left the straight path or the ones they have covenanted with or who have broken the promise they have made before God. Why because they want to follow dark paths/sin. They make it sound so easy to do it, by their actions they devalue the importance of choosing to hold faith with God. You are outnumbered, the whole world has gone after doing what is wrong, it can be a very lonely place choosing to do what is right.
C) The wicked make doing wrong look and feel like so much fun in comparison to the wise life. But it leads to the paths of death, , to the spirits of the dead. Reminds me of proverbs 9, where people who are going on their "straight way" are enticed by their life and caught in their trap...leading to the path of death
D) THey know the ends they want t achieve, but they are crooked, looking for short cut, they use devious or are skillful in the use of underhand tactics to get what they want. If you fall into their trap, it will be very difficult to escape, vs 19, you could very well be forsaking eternal life.