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The course of the 3rd Crusade (Jerusalem to Jaffa (Problems for Richard,…
The course of the 3rd Crusade
Frederick's crusade
Overland to Byzantium
15000 - 30000 men
left in May 1189
within a month were in Byzantine territory
Isaac was hostile towards german crusade
had a weak position as emperor and limited hold on provinces
worried he would lose his position to the Germans
such a big army
Locals attacked stragglers of the army
Isaac powerless to stop this
Frederick had to make alliances with local lords
army made it to Philippopolis without further incident
sent envoys to Isaac asking for safe passage and food
Isaac imprisoned the envoys
Frederick took town of Didymotichum
also told his son to organise fleet against Byzantium
Isaac then saw sense and offered food and safe passage but now nervous as Crusaders had to winter at Adrianople until March 1190
disaster in Anatolia
Harrassed by Turks
were running out of food and no water nearby
May: Battle at Iconium
Frederick beat Sultan's son and gained entry to town
subdued KA II, given men time to rest and able to negotiate supplies
Going closer to Saladin
Saladin received men from northern Syria and Baghdad
also redeployed men from siege of Acre
gave Guy more hope of victory
DISASTER: frederick drowned
German morale decreased and some went home
Son: Frederick Duke of Swabia took over leadership
went to Antioch where there was epidemic and more died
Lead men to acre and then he died in 1191
Duke Leopold of Austria now in charge of German remnants
Leadership and internal rivalries
Richard and Philip's departure to Outremer
Philip hired fleet at Genoa
Richard sailed to meet him
Philip asked to borrow 5 galleys
Richard offered 3
argument started
Richard heard that grand fleet that had been busy looting now left for Sicily
Richard set sail for Messina
arrived September 1190 in flamboyant show
annoyed Philop a bit
Philip tried to immediately leave for holy land but winds meant he had to stay
King, William II, promised Sicily as launchpad for crusade
he died in November 1189
crusaders lost important ally
now succession crisis
WIlliam had no sons + natural successor his aunt Constance was married to Henry VI of Germany (didn't want to be part of German Empire)
William had been married to Richard's sister and Dowry on his death not paid and Richard wanted it
Tancred of Lecce, William's illegitimate cousin, became ruler
Richard began to press issue of dower
Richard took island off coast of Sicily and placed Joan there
animosity between them and greeks so RIchard called a meeting
fighting started outside of tents and Richard told his men to arm themselves
fighting over quickly, Richard raised standard above Messina and Tancred had no option but to pay the dower
Richard then sailed on to Cyprus, told Philip he wouldn't marry Alice, and brought new wife with him
Richard in Cyprus
17000 sailed on from Sicily
some arrived shipwrecked on Cyprus coast
leader Isaac ducas at odds with Isaac II of Byzantium and didn't want invading army on his land
Isaac captured first arrivals of crusaders, including Richard's wife and sister
Richard angry at capture
Captured Isaac and took Cyprus
good springboard into holy land
Then sailed onto Tyre but refused entry
sailed onto Acre
sank Muslim ship with supplies for Acre and arrived June 1191
The conclusion to the Siege of Acre
Conrad de Montferrat's claim to becoming King of Jerusalem was getting stronger
arrival at siege of Acre bossted forces
Philips arrival had given Conrad a useful ally
Sybilla had died during winter of 1190
Guy really needed his lord, Richard
He had married Sybilla's stepsister, Isabella, only rival claim to the throne
Isabella had quickly divorced Humphrey
8 June 1191: Richard arrived at Acre
well received
had siege engines and supplies
crusaders had to get into walls and prepare for Saladin to attack from behind them
Christian victory
tried to get terms from Saladin but he refused
Garrison of Acre took decision to offer crusaders terms
banners of Jerusalem, france and England raised above the city
banner of Duchy of Austria removed on Richard's orders and leopold left
bad decisison because after coming back from outremer he was captured and given to Leopold and terms of release was a very hefty ransom
31 July 1191: Philip left crusade
because of illness and needed to stake claim to flanders after count of Flanders had died in Acre
Philip would cause troubles in Richard's lands + Richard from that point was very wary
The slaughter at Acre
before leaving Acre was resolved that Guy would be king until he died and then Conrad would take over
Richard had to decide what to do with 3000 prisoners
there was enough manpower to guard the prisoners and rebuild defences of Acre
BUT Richard was ready to go on to Jerusalem
Richard wanted Saladin to fulfill terms of surrender within a month
he thought Saladin was stalling to hand over the True Cross
by the one month time limit there was no money, Christian prisoners or True Cross
Christians decided to slaugther prisoners at Acre
Richard wanted to go to Jerusalem but couldn't with prisoners and didn't want to leave men to guard them
august 1191: march to Jerusalem began
Military Success
Richard's crusade
Richard's army
people from France, Germany, Anglo-Norman realm
supplemented by Templar's and Hospitallers
Harrassed by Muslims
horsed archers fired arrows from safe distance to entice charge
Muslims used simple and effective tactics
lead to knights being surrounded and killed
formation of crusaders
close-knit formation w/ infantry marching on oustide to protect knights
Infantry closest to sea and those closest to enemy would switch to offer rest from Muslims
marched keeping to the coast and escorted by ships with suppplies and the injured
The Battle of Arsuf
Saladin needed to stop the march
used plain hidden by forest so when crusaders emerged confronted by army
richard had good control of army
Richard kept control of men and waited for chance to charge
Two knighst falied to hold their position
started chain reaction
Richard decided to charge
Saladin no longer seen as invincible
Jaffa to Jerusalem
Richard wanted to attack Ascalon
this would pave the way for Egypt
Main force wanted Jerusalem
Richard attempted to strengthen his position by sending letters back to west asking for money
also acted as conciliator between Genoa and Piso b/c would need their fleets if they attacked Egypt
Treaty between Conrad and Saladin
was possible to Richard that they would attack Acre
Strengthened Conrad's position in Tyre
Negotiations between Richard and al-Adil
Offered his sister's hand in marriage to Al-adil
also said they could be co-rulers of Jerusalem
Saladin said that al-Adil would not convert to Christianity and Joan would have to convert to Islam
meanwhile saladin resting troops and gathering supplies
proposal failed and Richard began moving supplies to Ramla
on way to Jerusalem
bad weather = food rotting and armour rusting
spirits high because of Jerualem motive
January 1192: troops moved to Beit Nuba 12 miles from Jerusalem
6 Jan: Military orders persuaded Richard to not attack Jerusalem because they would be attacked by Jerusalem and relieving army behind
Richard agreedd and withdrew from Beit Nuba to Ramla
lost morale because no attack
French went to Acre and Tyre
Richard went to Ascalon and found it destroyed 21 Jan 1192
Jerusalem to Jaffa
Problems for Richard
John making trouble in England
no French army anymore
Conrad attacking Guy
Richard left Acre to mediate between Genoese and Conrad against Pisans and Guy
able to put Conrad to flight but couldn't get more men = further negotiation w/ al-Adil
Council to decide who should become King of Jerusalem
before Philip left Guy chosen
at council Conrad chosen
local council didn't respect Guy
Richard offered Guy Cyprus as compensation
R had sold it to Templars but they hadn't paid him
Conrad murdered by Assassins
meant he couldn't become king
Richard implicated in murder
bad idea because it gave philip excuse to start causing trouble in France
united armies
Guy moved to Cyprus
Henry of Champagne married to Isabella
May 1192: besieged Darum + captured it
Richard gave castle to Henry
Richard heard of what Philip was doing in France so retired to Ascalon
advanced to Jerusalem again in June
council called to decide next move
representatives of templars, hospitallers, french and Richard's army
Egypt considered next target
Military orders backed him up
only french saw it differently
Saladin's army moved towards Richard's
night march caught Muslims off guard
Christians took booty and dispersed the force
meant no reinforcements for Saladin and opened way to Egypt or Jerusalem
Saladin decided to leave Jerusalem
3 July 1192
BUT indecision amongst franks meant that they withdrew
French left + richard reopened negotiations with al-Adil
Richard went to Acre and Saladin counter-attacked at Jaffa
town captured 31 July
Richard arrived night of 31 of July
Saladin not worried because he thought he had enough men
Richard came and retook the city
negotiations resumed
Saladin knew richard didn't have enough men
4 August prepared attack but spears and arrows scared horses = panic among Muslims + withdrew
citadel held out in hopes of reinforcement
Truce signed to last 8 years and 3 months
Both Saladin and Richard needed to go home
Chirstians and Muslims had free passage through each others lands + Ascalon to be destroyed
Jerusalem opened to Christians
RIchard left 9 October