Reliability: measuring sth (e.g. skill, personality) accurately
--> whether results consistent
Validity: measuring what you intend to measure, how much the measure predicts the outcome
--> e.g. measuring intelligence (measuring intelligence or person's familiarity of the test)
--> Criterion-related validity e.g. Joes scores high on honesty test, take another test and same result --> valid test
--> Criterion-related validity: Graphical Illustration - line cuts thru the middle of data to create best guess of the r/s b/w 2 items
Generalisability: selection method that is valid in one context also valid in other contexts
--> selection tast that is v narrow for a specific function, not as effective as measuring intelligence which is a high predictor of performance for many other jobs
Utility: selection method provide economic value greater than its cost
Legal Standards: selection method discriminatory in any way
--> not subjective bc part of legal requirements, set by MOM or relevant authorities e.g. U.S. restrict asking abt religion, gender, age (considered discrimination)