Even Christian people ever tend to "run FROM Him" not "run TO Him" when in trouble (i.e.: semakin ga mau BACA), that's why they cannot MENG'ALAMI and LOSE THE CRUCIAL MOMENT to feel this Trinity effectiveness/usefulness.
You still not feeling it? Then you must be still running from Him, or maybe just having difficulty to kill your own understanding, or maybe you just love traveling so much like Israeli when otw to the Holy Land. LOL ;p
Please enjoy the painful process as long as you can, BUT the longer you running/roaming around, the longer you will arrive at peaceful Holy Land.
You still confuse doing it alone? Malu bertanya sesat di jalan atuh kakak... :cry: Just find someone that you feel eligible enough to answer your questions/doubtfulness, CARI/TELITI also need ac-companionship
(community, youth pasteur, old pasteur, kakak pembina, etc, you name it, OBJECTIVE-ELIGIBLE-BIBLE BASED SHARING PARTNER).
Don't shy-shy cat, God always supports you even since you still been a womb (Yes 46:3)