The Challenge of the Persian Empire, 492-479
The Sources
Key Scource of the Perisan war and without him we would know very little about the Greek world of the sixth and early fith centuries BC
Herodotus Historise 7.152: My Buisness is to record what people say, but I am no means bound to belive it- and that may be taken to apply to this book as a whole
Herodotus liked the Supernatural and foucused on characters instrad of events
Was not there at the time so all spreaches are his own words and following the themes and Herodotus has a pro-athenian writing standpoint.
Darius Policy towards the greeks
Darius controled the Greek citiys in asia minor since 546
499-494- The Ionean revolt that was supported by athenian ships starting the rivalry between Atheans and Persia. Defeated in 494 at the battle of lade
492 Mardoius lead a campaign in Northen Greece with atheans and Eretria being the main target for the expedidiont , H 6.44 but this was a Faliour after the fleet was wrecked off Mount athos in the Calcadeci but the perians did captuire Thasos
491: Darius sends out Herald to Greece asking for earth and water. Sparta and Atheans as well as her atheans refused but some greek states did and they were known as medizers This inculded cities such as Aegina
Invasion in 490 at the battle of Marathon.
Reasons for the invasion were Expanion into greece, Punishing atheans and Revenge, H 6.94-101
Invaded Naxos first which they sacked and burnt temples in
Made a respectfull aproach to the Island of Delos which was thought to be the burthplace of Apollo and Artemis and burned incence on the alter
Invaded Eretria: Atheans initialy offered to help but was told to go home and prepare for the invasion of the perisan army. Eretria was put under seige after 6 days two prominate Eretrians, Euphorbus and Philagrus, oppen the gates to the Persians ( H. 6.101), This reulted in the Burning of Eretrian Temples.
Persians then moved to Atheans and Landed at Marathon lead by Datis, Artephernes and Hippias
On Landing Hippias lost a tooth meaning that they would not win
Atheneans beat the Persians by Shallowing out the midle of their line and outflanking the Persians resulting in their defeat at Marathon
The remaining persians tryed to sneak around to athenas to await a sheild signal from atheans but were spotted by some scouts and after the battle the Atheneans marched to Atheans and after seeing the athenian army lined up the Persians gave up
This Proved that the Persians could be beeten and was a watershed for Greece
Perisan Preparations for the Invasion of 480
Darius initialy palned to invade again but had to deal with the egyptian invasion in 486 and then Died on the way back to Persepoliss.
Xerxes was initial unsure about continuing the invasion (H7.5-10) But after having a vision decided to invade in a Debate (7.8-10) with Arebanus ( A tragic warner and Xerxes Uncle) opposing the invasion
Xerxes builds a bridge at the Hellespont in preparation for the invasion(7.50)
Xerxes inscriotion: A good Ruler and following his fathers work
Greek Scources (Herodotus and Thucidices) Portray xerxes as Arrogant
Greek Prperations for the Invasion of 480
Xerxes sends out Envoys to Greece about the Invasion asking for more earth and water, again atheans and Sparta Refuse
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