Vision Statements
V.S 1: Be independent, critical and creative thinkers; be self-motivated lifelong learners who aim high and persevere to achieve their personal best
V.S 2: Attain foundation skills (physical, social, mental and emotional, spiritual and academic) to enable them to lead well balanced lives as valued members of society
V.S 3: Develop understanding and respect for their own languages and cultures and for the cultures of others. They will also develop in-depth knowledge and understanding of Biculturalism in New Zealand
V.S 4: Have the opportunity to gain competency in Te Reo Māori or Samoan if parents request this option and all ethnicities will be encouraged to foster their first language
V.S 5: Gain knowledge and understanding of moral values in order to make positive decisions and choices in everyday life
V.S 6: Have the confidence, skills and resilience to meet challenges and adapt to change