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71zbfQgrNEL (Part II ("El Azhar was an awesome world people only by…
Part I
"'Firdaus, Doctor! Firdaus wants to see you!'" (9).
"The ground under me was cold. The same touch, the same consistency, the same naked cold. Yet the cold did not touch me, did not reach me . . ." (11).
Part II
"With my secondary school certificate and suppressed desires I belongs to the 'middle class'. By birth I was lower class" (14).
"His mouth was like that of a camel, with a big opening and wide jaws" (24).
"However, every single man I did get to know filled me with but one desire: to lift my hand and bring it smashing down on his face" (13-14).
"There was nothing in my past or in my childhood, to talk about, and no love or anything of the sort in the present" (32).
"Suddenly I felt myself riding high up on the shoulders of girls shouting, 'Down with the government'" (32).
"There are only two categories of people, Firdaus, masters and slaves" (129).
"Men force women to sell their bodies at a price and that the lowest paid body is that of a wife" (124).