Ethical costs firmly in past
:check: Watson & Rayner (PRE-GUIDELINES) - Carried out research in 1920 into phobias and used classical conditioning to create Little Alberts phobia of white rats. The study demonstrated such behaviours could be learnt through associations. While the study was high in cost to the ppt, Little Albert, who was subjected to psychological harm, arguably the contributions to science have be so great.
:check: The study had a major significance in showing how emotions could be learned, suggesting that it is possible to shape feelings through applying this knowledge to therapeutic techniques e.g. treatment of phobias. Systematic desensitisation was created as a result which has been used to treat phobias such as heights, spiders etc.
:star: We cannot judge historically significant scientific research by the ethical standards of today as the professional guidelines of modern psychology did not exist.
:star: Studies which are highly unethical, such as this, have led to the awareness of such issues within psychology.