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EGIS Elements SWOT (Data and Work (Weakness (Dataflow and Workflow…
EGIS Elements SWOT
Data and Work
Data Warehouse
"EGIS team (Rosenberg, Meyer)"
Dataflow and Workflow
"CAL FIRE ""public customers"" (e.g., grant applicants) could use a GIS interface to determine programs for which they may be eligible"
"Geospatial integration points between different program areas are missing because of different data collection processes, partitioned data, or out of synch collection timing (e.g., CFIP grants and Forest Practice management plans [FMPs]"
"Enhance the public statewide fire map to include weather, zones, evacuation routes, starts, smoke patterns, prescribed burns, etc. to improve public communication"
Opportunity to improve consistency/amount of natural resource data and benefit biologists and foresters down the road.
Fire Prevention
"CAL FIRE program areas have opportunity to streamline workflows and increase public awareness through more effective/efficient data publishing/sharing (e.g., public records act requests)"
Forest Practice
"Opportunity to improve data maintenance process with automated QC, scripting, applications to standardize field data input, open data site for collaborators"
"CAL FIRE has ample experience and expertise in using GIS to answer executive queries, so that it could design and build a simple executive self-service portal"
Opportunity to use web mapping tools as platform for improved collaboration/information sharing with local governments
"Many important uses for desktop GIS applications (e.g., inspection pre-planning)"
"Many important uses for field-mobile applications (e.g., inspection)"
"CAL FIRE could pre-build worst-case models for fire response throughout state, saving time when there are fire starts (cf. FDOP)"
Data Warehouse
"Some program areas have clear vision of geospatial information needs, though they may not be meeting those needs yet"
Dataflow and Workflow
"Fire Prevention, Esri"
"CAL FIRE program areas have successfully converted manual processes to full-cycle (field to enterprise) mobile GIS workflows (e.g. DSpace, DINS apps)"
Fire Protection
CAL FIRE has strong vision for using real-time data in incident response for true situational awareness
Dataflow and Workflow
Fire Protection
"As data inputs increase, lack of ability to quickly process/filter will negatively impact decision making by overwhelming decision-makers with extraneous information"
"If GIS is not deployed, validated and supported properly, puts lives at risk"
Demand for information is larger and more dynamic than ever impacting the way the Department uses human and technical resources. Policy has not caught up with demand.
Spatial Data Warehouse
"Perceived risk of ""hacking"" public information (e.g. altering evacuation routes) causing additional risk, confusion, loss of trust"
Fire Protection
No plan in place for leveraging emerging technologies (e.g. on site remote sensing data capture/processing)
Data Warehouse
"The lack of systematic information collection within a program (e.g., CFIP analysis of forest improvement techniques statewide) inhibits statewide geospatial analysis and insights."
Fire & Life Safety
"Current geospatial information relies on addresses not x-y locations (40k state properties, 40k other buildings)"
Fire Protection
"Data is being collected/stored in proprietary platform, reducing interoperability with non-Esri plaforms"
"There is no mechanism or means for systematically collecting, retaining, and making available, field observations of commonly relevant phenomena (vegetation type, fuel load, habitat health) throughout the enterprise"
Challenged by connectivity and management of hard drives. Need more frequently updated data to be shared with everyone.
Current workflows for incorporating field-collected data and distributing data via hard-drive are too slow.
"Key data sets are stale. For example, vegetation layer is grossly out of date especially pertaining to tree mortality. Very difficult to assess risk when location of fuels is not accurate."
"Lack of an integrated, enterprise, up-to-date, geospatial library hinders task performance (e.g., burn planning needs several current datasets)"
Dataflow and Workflow
CAL FIRE does not require grantees to submit standardized GIS data as part of grant application or reporting
"Current workflows store information in GIS / geospatial form at the end of work effort rather than throughout work effort (e.g., CFIP grants going in to CALMAPPER)"
"New grant application and tracking software does not incorporate GIS in submittal, reporting, or data management"
"No process in place for rapidly collecting, collating, disseminating information to meet both public and internal information needs"
EGIS group
"GIS management (users, application requests, etc.) is largely a PAPER process"
"CAL FIRE GIS Specialists are a bit siloed from GISS in other agencies, so are not using standardized methods for interacting with National Incident Database. Can impede processes/communication during incident response."
Fire Planning
"Lack of workflow and standards that generate high-quality GIS data essential to general mission of CAL FIRE (e.g., perimters, ignition points)"
Fire Protection
"Antiquated process for integrating weather data with CAD and ICC, slowing appropriate response actions"
Pertinent data is tracked/collected in various systems inside and outside of CAL FIRE; No agency has a true statewide view of resources/conditions
Law Enforcement
Many actions that create geospatial data have no workflow for the actor to verify the geospatial data (it is left to the GIS person)
Inspection Assistant (federal system) is isolated from CAL FIRE systems and use of its data is problematic
"Rachel, Northern Region interview"
"Time-critical geospatial data (CAD data, radio traffic on fire locations, etc.) are handled through manual processes"
Common Infrastructure
The proliferation of non-standard devices and applications will potentially cause confusion or misinformation during incident
High Availability
Fire Planning
Reliance on large number of AGOL licenses from NIFC could be a weakpoint if federal license lending policy changes
The current model of using AGOL for quick online maps will require ever-increasing number of licenses to meet demand; Lack of scalability
High Availability
Fire Planning
"CAL FIRE lacks a means to get to local agency data during critical response periods (e.g., could not easily get to city or county data during Camp Fire)"
Units responding to incidents have no means to get data updates when en route or during initial attack.
Fire Prevention
"Technical barriers still exist preventing CAL FIRE program areas from taking full advantage of automated, geospatial tools (e.g. can't print in field so paper form still given)"
"Frank, Northern Region interview"
"Connectivity limits use of geospatial information when one cannot plan ahead and pack ""data to go"""
Fire Planning
"CAL FIRE has no clear strategy on mobile applications and platforms (e.g., Avenza and Collector and Drozen's ""all in one"")"
"Software version changes break custom tools, locking CAL FIRE in to old versions of software OR forcing abandonment of custom tools"
Forest Practice
"Forest Practices downloads FRAP data to own, local server in order to organize, store, manipulate for own purposes"
Remote Desktop use of GIS is not working well for some programs that are fairly heavy GIS users due to insufficient network connectivity
Formalized Management
An enterprise GIS will bring together resource management and fire protection data to the benefit of both
Pest Management
"Many program areas contribute to meeting BOF needs, but there is no defined BOF reporting requirement that might make clear what geospatial data and reports are essential to BOF"
Tech Svcs (Akin)
"Domains of information that would be very useful in geospatial form have not been part of GIS thinking or planning (e.g., surveys)"
"CAL FIRE should look to practices in other states for good ideas on implementation and access (e.g., Texas, Maine, Nevada, Alaska)"
Institutional Leadership
"CAL FIRE and the Resources Agency share a common interest in managing GIS at an enterprise level through agency support (GIO, Data Scientist)"
"Fire Prevention, Fire Protection"
"CAL FIRE could collaborate with key partners (e.g., USFS) on defining new, useful, geospatial datasets and tools (e.g., seed collection)"
Project Team Meetings
"CAL FIRE has the opportunity to garner executive and funding support by targeting high-profile geospatial applications for rapid development (e.g., situational awareness)"
Personnel Roles
Jim / Fresno
"Collaborators can be a key to successful information management, especially at the local level"
Training and Support
"""Enterprise"" and ""Authoritative Data"" are somewhat new concepts in the department, so are opportunities to educate agency staff"
Landuse Planning
"Some CAL FIRE program areas (e.g. Landuse Planning) are not equipped to take advantage of geospatial tools and data, although would be very relevant/useful to daily work"
Formalized Management
Executive Team
"Enterprise information management, including GIS, has high-level executive support"
Personnel Roles
Using other programs as GIS service centers and sources rather than starting from scratch within program
CAL FIRE GIS staff are adept at finding ways to implement and use GIS without much formal support from IT
Formalized Management
Fire Protection
"Executive awareness/support for standards is lacking, preventing their creation/enforcement"
CAL FIRE is often caught between high-priority demands for information in a very short time period and collating data to make sure the agency has correct information
"IT, Esri"
"CAL FIRE is unable to keep pace with technology change. There is no plan, governance, coordination for adoption of new/updated geospatial tools and technologies."
Personnel Roles
Fire Planning
"Organizational structure creates situation where GIS expertise/experience is lost with regular program promotions. For example, Fire Captains are trained in GIS but then often ""promote out"" within 2-3 years, taking knowledge and skills with them."
Forest Practice
Decisions about GIS or related data systems have been made without any input from people on the ground
Forest Practices staff spend a lot of time producing data (digitizing) across various permitting types (inefficient use of skilled staff)
Formal Management
"In some programs, GIS workflows that support regular business needs are not yet established"
Formalized Management
CAD Mapping
"GIS adoption, use, and activities at the unit level depend on unit leader preferences rather than CAL FIRE enterprise needs or goals"
EGIS group
The department may not have standards for data security (public vs. sensitive vs. confidential / legal requirements vs. right to know)
Fire Prevention
"""Can-do"" attitude creates solutin pockets but not long-term, supportable, solutions"
"Fire Prevention, Fire Protection"
"Proliferation of applications on different mobile devices creates confusion, inefficiencies"
Fire Protection
"Battalion data collection efforts have no centralized storage location (e.g., for staging areas, water sources, helisports, ICP, etc.)"
CAL FIRE does not have a policy (including legal considerations) for managing/maintaining response data
"CAL FIRE lacks a strategy for mobile GIS implementation, integration, data management"
"No current enterprise template for creating wildland pre-plans; often created ""on the fly"" in response to event"
Forest Practice
"Information sharing needs and workflows are not well-identified, causing duplication of effort"
Lack of plan/guidance on where to store large data sets of potential interest to entire enterprise (e.g. LiDAR data)
"There is no regulatory requirement that allows CAL FIRE to require digital submittal, so timber companies and other owners are not required to provide digital mapping data to CAL FIRE putting burden on staff"
Requests for information are not documented as well as they should be making it difficult for staff to recreate process in future
FRAP (April 2019)
"CAL FIRE lacks a comprehensive list of geospatial data reporting required by federal, state, local partners"
State Forest
"State Forests lack a defined set of spatial reporting goals, data collection methods, and priorities"
Tech Svcs
"CAL FIRE does not use GIS for facility management, though this is a well-established benefit of GIS"
Personnel Roles
Personnel qualifications statements and duties don't align with actual day to day task requirements (i.e. GIS tasks not mentioned explicitly)
"SMEs with GIS skills end up supporting other SMEs without GIS skills, taking the GIS-skilled SME away from primary duties"
"CAL FIRE maintains a high level of operation with low support from IT, but burden is being passed to GIS staff. Enterprise needs to be designed in way that will allow IT to support effectively and maintain proper environments (dev, test, prod)."
Fire Planning
"Prefire engineers are used differently within the 21 units so that ""standard"" guidance or training for them is difficult or impossible"
Fire Protection
"Lack consistent, local GIS expertise/support at the 21 Emergency Command Centers"
Training and Support
"GIS skills used for job tasks are acquired ad hoc or brought individually to job, rather than either hiring criteria or outcome of actual training"
CAL FIRE foresters are not taking full advantage of tools to collect data more efficiently and maintain standards
Fire & Life Safety
"Lack of GIS technical expertise in program, have to rely on other programs"
Fire Planning
CAL FIRE misses opportunities to use geospatial data effectively by not having well-trained staff or pre-built products