Description: Charles and Hal are Buck’s new owners. However, Charles and Hal have no idea what they are doing. They have never owned sled dogs and don’t understand how much to feed the dogs, when to rest, and so on which is why Buck and the rest of the dogs in his pack struggle. Some even dying.
How He Overcomes It: Buck overcomes this conflict by continuing to push on and do what he does best, but he starts to struggle too. At the end of the chapter, Buck ends up falling to the ground, unable to get up. Hal starts to beat Buck to make him get up, but John Thornton threatens to kill Hal if he does not stop beating Buck and ends up cutting him out of his harness. Buck and Thornton stay behind and watch the rest of the pack go into an area with thin ice. They fall through the ice and die. Which shows how Buck saves his life and overcomes this conflict by giving up.