Unit 4 - EQ 3 Did America's pursuit of Manifest Destiny lead to progress or unjustified conflict?


Unjustified Conflict

Slavery: Africans held in bondage/ moral rights taken away

Mexican American War

Economical increase

Slave transportation was brutal

Land Gain

New technology: railroads, communication, etc

Native American Removal

Captured and chained and chased

Social Movements

Many rights taken away

Pre-Civil War (south wanted to split with the north)

Disrespectful to Mexican rules: brought slavery

couldnt read or write

didnt know their own rights

new leaders

America became a global superpower. (Other countries feared them more)

more than half our country now

increase of racial and religious diversity

Immigrants were treated unfairly: like the Chinese and Irish

eventually became allies w/ other countries

Prejudice against Native Americans, Africans, etc.

trail of tears (many died)

More representation for common men

lead to the Industrial Revolution

New resources found in western lands (see Louis and Clark Expedition 4W Chart)

Texan Revolution

Slaves were beaten and mistreated

Andrew Jackson allowed the voting rates to rise exponentially

Not only were the people in high class white males represented but all were

Profits with cotton farmers

Spread of Christianity

New opportunities for the immigrants

Upper class white men may look down on poorer people and immigrants



Working conditions were bad. Hard work for long hours with little pay. Unsafe conditions.

Females were able to work

Plenty of jobs available

Child labor

Labor Movement

American Progress painting

Womans Suffrage

California Gold Rush

John Gast

Oregon Territory (half)

Mexico Territory

Vigilante Justice

Crime. Vigilante justice