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Flooding (Introduction (hypozia and anoxia (limited gas difddusion, cuases…
FAO definition
2 main types: water logging and complete submergance
hypozia and anoxia
limited gas difddusion
cuases range of symtoms (see pres). but casuses low yeild
where does flooding occur?
SE asia river basins very severe
climate change increasing frequencey and severity of flooding
issue in agirculte
lots of damge due to agriculte. stats on pres
man made flooding due to urbanisation
gas filled caibites
allows gas diffusion throughout plant
does cuase toxic gases from soil to be reslased inot the air
2 tyes shicymgous (cell speriation) and lysigenous (cell death)
Formed uring gorwth and under stres
good slide on how it is formed
ethlyine involed in consitiutive and stress fromation
ethylene medatied adapatirons
What is ehtylyine
key phytochoraone
accuamtes during stress
small gas
regulated growth, sensces and abioitc stress tolerance
Escape stargery
In porlonged flodding to elongate stem to keepe up with rising water level
SNORKEL 1/2 genes
What regualtes it?
GA promotes growth via the Ga - GID1- DELLA
get gibeerlin production
on hormones 12
not expressed in roots or PA only leaf stem, blade and shoot?? wcheck this
Semidawrf gene
also in rice but was loss of function in greeen revlution
3 QTL that cotnbute to deepwater resoinse
Quiesnce stragey
oppostite of the escaspe stralgy
happens in flash 2 week flooding
enables... less cholorphy degration
2007 field trai showed sub1 c=locus has much higher viabilty
SUB1 loucus has sub1 a,b,c genes.
interact with ethylyne
products of sub1 genes sublaibes adn reduce degration of protin products??
exressed in the leaf colar and leaf base
esacpe Vs quiesnces
esacpe inhibit while quiences upredulates
issues with this trait as costly, yeild loss and not sucesfful for GM
molcues effected by flooding
very impoartn
roles in germation and gorwth
can cuase celluar damage in concnetions too high
hydrogen persoxide
used in downstrem signalling cascade as a rsponse to stress
using in sencsece, photorepsoiton and allows adventioous roots to from
introacts with eythene (stimautes prodction)
cuases death of epidermal cell that allos adventious roots to from
etheyene reduces expression of ROS scanger MT2B
bits missing here....
simular effect to ROS ( see slide)
Pgb_No cycle
Stomal closue/ respiroation
resposne to flooding
speed, degree of closue and mrthod of clouse vaires by plant speces
water in the stomaa effects the dilaution of K+ in the grad g=cell and there is a varpour phase singall betewenen mespohly and graud cells
in flooding only glycoolysisi cna occur fromte h respostion cycle.
plants need to have alpholoic fermation to make up the engery deficit
lactate and ethonal fermation trade off. Ph is eefected
wetland speices
natrully gorw in flodded areas
Amgroves, Deeep water rice and rumex palutris
theseconsitivily express flodding tolerance genes giing many moropholigacal adaaptions to the plant
adveintous roots
GE floding tolerace
ACC oxidase geen an ezyme in the produciton o fethymeme
Use agrobac transofmation and CMV promater
GE plants subgected to water logging
trangenic had less stress symtpons than wt
trangneic surved till day 35. lasted longer but did die eventulally
better arenchyma fromation in trnasgnic but didint test this in drought
list the differetn adaptatiosns and endy with why there is no GM yet