6.1 Water resources and usage

Freshwater availability

groundwater: precipitation that soaks into the ground
the top layer: water table

unconfined aquifers: water seeps into aquifers

confined aquifers: water seeps into confined aquifers, where the impermeable layer doesn't exist

freshwater use

problems caused by unsustainable water use

environmental: excessive withdrawl, water polluation

economy: threats to food and energy production

virtual water: not directly consumed but used to make other things

the freshwater supply is getting smaller due to climate change

groundwater and aquifer

we rely increasingly on aquifers

problems caused by overpumping aquifers

increasing poverty and civil unrest:


saltwater seeping

land subsidence

solutions to groundwater depletion

use water more efficiently

subsidize water conservation

limit number of wells

stop growing water-intensive crops in dry areas.

increase freshwater availability

dams are widespread

water transfers

communities in the areas from which the water is taken may not longer be able to stay in the area

a lot of water is lost through evaporation and leaks in the water-transfer system

ecosystems are degraded in areas from which the water is taken

desalinization: the process of removing salts from ocean water

high cost

chemical use

waste salt

freshwater sustainably

reduce water waste in industries and homes

irrigation: improving efficiency

improve efficiency in industry

stop water subsidies