Sexual reproduction



In males: Testes. In females: Ovaries

Organs that produce gametes


In males: Spermatozoons. In females: ovaries

Sexual cells required for reproduction

Is the vital function for generating new individuals




Fats are storaged, curves are formed, hips get wider...


Voice gets lower, muscles develop, hair grows in different body parts, general growth of the body...

Sexual characteristics


Sexual hormones are involved: testosterone and oestrogen

Since puberty


Since embrionary development

At the beginning we are all female

Since you develop in a male or a female

Is a period of changes in adolescense. It triggers physical and mental changes



Is the sexual condition: male and female


Is a natural act between two individuals that feel atraction

All the experiences related to sex

Process of birth

  1. The gametes are released
  1. The gametes join into a zygote
  1. The zygote divides into different cells to create a body. These cells are called the embryo
  1. The baby borns and it grows into a child, then a teenager, then an adult and finally into an old man
  1. A baby is finally formed

Ovulation and menstruation


The ovule is released in the middle of the cycle. It's formed inside a follicle


Days 8-12: Not fertile but not bleeding

Days 13-15: Ovulation and fertile

Days 1-7: Menstruation

Days 16-28: The follicle is expelled

Is the process by which women produce ovules. It takes 28 days.

Ovulation process

The pitutary gland releases two hormones

FSH: Follicle Stimulating Hormone

LH: Luteum Hormone

  1. The follicles grow up and release oestrogens
  1. The uterus become thicker
  1. They reach the ovaries
  1. The ovulation is produced
  1. The ovule is released and 2 things could happen
  1. They reach the ovaries

A: No fertilisation

B: Fertilisation

The cycle starts again

2: Pregnancy and birth

1: The corpus luteum release oestrogen and progestorene

Sterility and assisted reproduction


Assisted reproduction

Is a problem by which can not have offspring

They could be caused by problems of movility or lack of spermatozoons

Artificial insemination

Problems in male

Problems in females

Lack of mobility of spermatozoons

Problem with the flow of semen

Low amount of spermatozoons

Obstruction in the fallopian tubes

Hormone imbalances (FSH, LH, oestrogens, progesterone)

Problems in the uterus (sex, the embryo cannot attach)

In vitro fertilisation

Fertilisation occurs naturally

It's used in cases of anatomical or functional alteration

Consists of placing the sperm from a donor into a women's uterus

  1. The fertilisation of the ova is contained in the semen
  1. The transfer of the resulting embryo to the mother's uterus
  1. Ova and semen are extracted from a female and a male donor