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Wk 2 - publishing (Publishing everyday will be key to success - choose…
Wk 2 - publishing
Publishing everyday will be key to success - choose which platform you use and enjoy the most
Re-purpose and distribute content e.g mps - text - blog or Libsy - itunes, audio, video, text. video - mp3 - text or images, video teasers. Periscope links with FB live and You tube live. Blogging for SEO
Insurance policy if one platform closes or changes policy
Be real - let people follow your journey with you. Explain what you are doing with the publishing. Be human!
Your best customers will come from your followers and not your ads - customers for life!
Epiphany Bridge (remember there's a script!)
When you buy - what sells it to you?
Use Epiphany Script!
Do not use techno babble! Use 'Kinda'
Tell stories to get people to buy. People only buy with emotions (then justify with logic afterwards)
You don't tell them the epiphany - they get their own epiphany from hearing your story - no need to sell! e.g every business needs a funnel!
Control their state - make them feel what you felt - Get them back to that moment. All the details . Explain everything about how you were thinking and feeling
If you don't appeal to everyone, interview others e.g Ladyboss and mothers or corporates
If I can male them believe that my new opportunity (e.g funnels) is the key to what they desire most and is only attainable through my specific vehicle (e.g. CFs) then all other objections and concerns become irrelevant and they have to give me money. Make sure the core message gets them to believe only one thing and NOT MORE because it complicates things. Why do you personally believe your domino - what happened to you?
Do not generalise e.g. lose weight by exercising and cutting calories on my program. Be prolific, new opportunity, blue ocean
The Hero's Journey
All stories are the same but you can use shortened or long version
You have a character, it has a desire, along the way there are conflicts (challenges)
Emotion is not created by the desire but conflicts on the path
They have to care about the hero. Needs 2 out of 5 - Victim, Jeopardy, Likeable, Funny, Powerful
4 desires - win, retrive, escape, stop
Two journeys- one of achievement and one of transformation - its the transformation people care about - who they have become, their new beliefs
External desire - car, internal - respect of family - people care about the internal!
Wall is what they are stuck on and the vehicle/method not working
Perfect webinar (remember there's a script! and sales script )
use epiphany script 4 times - the origin story then answer their doubts - vehicle, internal belief, external belief
It is not the product that sells! it is the story (sales message!)
Stories instills new beliefs - lace in things your market experiences
Length dependent on your ability to keep people interested. 80 percent story/20 percent nugget
Create a story inventory - what stories do you need to break beliefs
Sell to people already buying what you are selling
every story you tell has 100's of hooks
It could be a picture, idea, insight, plan, what the transformation looked like etc Use them for ADS, articles, videos, podcasts, headlines etc
Stories for everything -all your products, 100's of hooks from stories - use for the 365 day commitment. The hook drives people back to the story
Keep swipe files of hooks, ads, copy etc
Coaching call examples of hooks
Make people happy or angry
Creates curiosity - keep the loop open - never close it!
A micro story that never resolves
It throws rocks at the red ocean e.g CFs vs websites or infusionsoft
Look at competition
Speak to their internal and external desires - have you been trying but it has not worked (current vehicle )
Cause an identity crisis e.g are you sick of 9-5 ?
What walls are you hitting? Your target audience will also have the same walls
Take top ten hooks - split test them in an ad and put some money behind each one
Domino can be easier - 'How to' ...'without'...
How to..without...