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Multi-store Memory Model (Atkinson & Shiffrin 1968 (Sensory Memory…
Multi-store Memory Model
Atkinson & Shiffrin 1968
Can store 6-9 bits of info, info can stay up to 30 secs
Rehearsal Loop
Stores up to 9 bits of info - more often info is looped through STM, more securely it's rehearsed
Information comes in from the environment through the 5 senses - Stored briefly in sensory memory lasting less than 1 second - If attention paid to info - Flows to STM - Duration of up to 30 secs - If rehearsed - encoded in LTM which has unlimited duration
Miller 1957
Study into magic number 7 - found STM struggles holding more than 9 bits of info - found bits of info can be chunked allowing more info to be held but reduces accuracy of recall
Glanzer & Cunitz 1966
Primary, recency effect - asked to recall list of words in any order, participants recalled more from start & end of list - primary words are well rehearsed & encoded in LTM, recency words are still in rehearsal loop - middle words displaced by recency words