Benjamin Padgett Medieval Europe

Spread of Christianity

The Black Death

Catholic Church


Spanish Inquisition

Geography In Medieval Europe

English Law and Democracy

Pope Vs. King

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The Bishop is a religious leader who lead religious ceremonys

There religion was very important to them

The Pope in charge

After King and Queen Ferdinand and Isabella, the Inquisition was established.

King Ferdinand And Queen Isabella combined their battles conclusion where` they had rid Spain of all of the Jewish and the on the Muslims

The Muslims who had started in mecca by the red sea had grown and taken over my Spain

I think that the Monks would wish for things

The Pyramid System was a thing at the time with Jesus.

Christianity first started when the Romans killed Jesus and Persecuted Christians who fled Rome.

Henry the IV was born Nov, 11 1050

The Pope often would not cooperate with other people

Conflicts between the christens and the nations occurred

There were different groups that fought for the holly land, Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

The crusades are religious wars and the first one was 1095

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The Magna Carta gave rights to people

There are two jurrys who almos mail people Guilty or Inocent

The magna Carta was a doc. signed by King John

One of the primary uses for the land was growing crops and building houses.

In places near Ireland the are temperature difficult.

The most precipitation and coldest weather is in the Alps.

Pleas Drink Rats blood and then bite us.

The plague ended in the early 1850's by the cold weather killing the fleas

The BLack Death started in China


Arouns 80% of the people worked as peasents

The kings belived the were given the right to rule by God

Fedalism was a cobantaion of legal and medival eurpore.