1.Your research will dictate the kinds of research methodologies you use to underpin your work and methods you use in order to collect data.
2.If you wish to collect quantitative data you are probably measuring variables and verifying existing theories or hypotheses or questioning them.
3.If its qualitative research,this is carried out when we wish to understand experiences,ideas,beliefs,values,intangibles such as these.
4.Using quantitative and qualitative research methods.
This is common a approach and helps you to triangulate' to back up one set of findings from one method data collection underprinned by one methodology-for example(normal quantitative) to gather statistical data about responses and qualitative,selecting members of questionnaire sample.
Application:Quantitative and the methods used was questionnaires and statistics.
"The south african version of the questionnaire consisted of 93 questions.The questionnaire include 54 core questions,developed. by the world health organisation and centers for Disease control.
Sampling method used its probability analysis"A two stage cluster sample design was used to obtain a nationally respresentative sample of students in grade 8,9,and 10.The first stage sampling frame consisted of all public schools containing any grade 8,9 and 10.