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still I rise (first paragraph : looking at the subject : (5- mood ? (Her…
still I rise
first paragraph : looking at the subject :
5- mood ?
Her air of angry confidence is peppered with sarcastic humor.
4-tone ?
Maya Angelou uses a tone of self-confident
1- what does the title tell you about the poem?
she refers to the willful spirit of Black people, using repetition and the layout of abuse against them Despite adversity and racism .
2- what is your first impression ?
Still I Rise is a powerful, empowering poem all about the struggle to overcome racism and abuse .
3- theme ?
The theme of "Still I Rise" is really about self respect, and confidence. In the poem, she reveals how she will overcome anything with her self-esteam .
6- purpose ?
she states “I rise” repeatedly to show that she was able to rise even after they have knocked her down.
second paragraph : looking at the context :
9-when was the poem written and published { year } ?
10-what do you know about that true period ?
Still I Rise is Maya Angelou’s third volume of poetry. She studied and began writing poetry at a young age.
7-does the author write about a person or event from history ?
The poem "Still I Rise" is the title poem of And Still I Rise, the third volume of poetry published by African American author Maya Angelou (1928-2014). It was published by Random House in 1968.
11-where was the poet living and what was he \ she doing { working , going to school ,etc . } at that time ?
This poem was written by a black woman in 1978. Certainly, racism is still a factor for persons of color even in 2018, so one can imagine the racism a person of color would have to face forty years ago.
8-does the author write about certain things from the past?
Angelou considered herself a poet and a playwright, but was best known for her seven autobiographies, especially her first, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, although her poetry has also been successful.
12- do you think what was going on during that time period had anything to do with this poem ?
She grew up in St. Louis and Stamps, Arkansas. She was an author, poet, historian, songwriter, playwright, dancer, stage and screen producer, director, performer, singer, and civil rights activist.
Sixth Paragraph: FINISHING UP:
25- Do you think your classmates would like this poem? Why or why not?
26- Why is this poem relevant today? (Importance/impact.)
24- After researching and analyzing the poem, has your opinion of the poem changed at all? If so, how? If not, why not?
27- How will this poem be relevant in the future?
23- Ask yourself “So what?” about the poem. What is the point of it? Why do you think the author wrote it?
28- How does this poem inspire readers?
third paragraph : looking at form
15- rhyme ?
She uses end rhyme in the second and fourth line of each stanza, though this pattern does change slightly at the end of the poem
16- rhyme scheme ?
"Still I Rise" by Maya Angelou consists of six quatrains followed by a 15-line stanza. The most obvious poetic device it uses is repetition, specifically of the words "I rise." The quatrains are rhymed ABCB, although some of the rhymes are slightly irregular. "Welling and swelling" is an internal rhyme.
14- type of poem ?
Maya Angelou's poem "Still I Rise" is a type of lyric poetry. The lyric poem expresses the speaker's feelings about a situation or subject and may or may not rhyme. In "Still I Rise," Angelou writes about themes of blackness, femininity and resilience.
13- stases ?
Still I Rise. By Maya Angelou. You may write me down in history. With your bitter, twisted lies,. You may trod me in the very dirt. But still, like dust, I'll rise.
fourth paragraph : looking at word choice
18- What do the words alone tell you? (What does it make you think of?)
Maya Angelou’s poem “Still I Rise,” published in 1978, expresses the empowering message to rise above hate and pain. The poem has many repeated structures.
19- Are there any difficult or confusing words? List them.
Still I Rise is a great example of the phrase "Stick and Stones might break my bones, but words can never hurt me"
17- why do you think the author choice to use those particular words?
Maya Angelou's poem, "Still I Rise" was written in 1978. In it, the speaker's use of diction and tone create a work which calls readers to confront our country's current and past racism
Fifth Paragraph: Figurative Language/sound devices:
21- Does the poem compare things without using like or as (metaphors)?
Maya Angelou has combined several poetic devices in the Poem 'Still I Rise' to paint a vivid picture of endurance, hope and strength.
22- Does the poem give non-human things human characteristics (personification)?-
20- Does the poem use any comparisons of things using the words “like” or “as” (similes)?
She draws attention to her own power with such a simile. Then the speaker uses metaphors, comparisons of two unalike things where the poet says that one thing is another: "You may shoot me with your words, / You may cut me with your eyes." ... The speaker uses another simile in the line, "But still, like air, I'll rise."