David Gao (Bottom Guard)
Opponent starts X-pass
Top Leg guard recovery
Kiss of the Dragon
Inside Contol
SLX sweep
Reap to outside heel hook
Opponent starts Knee Cut
Inside sweep
Knee shield
Throw the Shield
Outside leg control
outside heel hook 🏴
Opponent hip switches
Push Head away and turn
Lat grip sweep
Top half
Switch to Lucas Leites Half
Shoot the underhook
Coyote Half Sweep
Side Control
Opponent starts standing
Opponent Pressures
Throw Knee Shield
Opponent starts Knee Cutting
Knee Bump to underhook
Jedi Mind Trick
Foot to far hip
Op. Sits
Closed Guard
Op. Stands
SLX entry
SLX entry
Opponent Bladed
Scissor Shot
Standing Saddle
Op. Bases out
Knee Bar 🏴
Turn Sweep
Op. Runs
Invert to saddle
Grab far leg
Timber Sweep
Concepts to Remember
- When inverting for the saddle keep your hips high and look to roll underneath your opponent instead of rolling to the side
- Leg connection is key with any leg entanglement, if your opponent has any chance to free their leg they will, so ensure tightness
- Hip work is very important for the improvement of the scissor shot, don't let your hips disconnect from your opponent's leg even if you have ample arm control
- Remember that although the saddle is the end goal, you should try to set up other attacks more aggressively, don't show your intention to saddle until you have shown them other looks (the saddle is an overhand right not a jab)
- Open Guard retention should be based on the top foot pedal, hand position on the wrists and ankles, as well as chest position pointing toward the opponent.
- Open Guard is a main entry point to SLX / X via inside foot hooks
- Work to slow your opponent's passing and then work to SLX / X / Closed / Scissor shot. Do this via keeping strong angles with your hips and strong grips via the inside hooks and wrist grips
Key Half Guard Concepts
- (FAR) When opponent is far away and not engaging you can either wrestle up or you can switch toward butterfly
- (PRESSURE) When you opponent is crowding you, seek butterfly hooks for elevation and leg entanglements
- (KNEE CUT) When you opponent is knee cutting you have to seek underhooks and knee bumps to get further behind them
Guard Retention
Top foot recoveries
Saddle Entry
Reorient to butterfly
Roll (Head Inside)
Roll (Head Outside)
Saddle / Backside 50/50
Inside Heel Hook
Outside Heel Hook
Bottom foot saving throw
Rev. Butterfly
Wrestle up
Rear bodylock
Turtle to double
Top Guard
Turning away
Head and arm throw
wrist grip
rear bodylock