Chapter 1: Catholic Christianity

1.1-Michelangelo's Creation of Adam

1.2-Other Christian Art that Depicts Creation

1.3-Creation and the Nature of God in Genesis1

1.4-Creation and the Nature of Humans in Genesis 2

1.5-The Significance of the Creation Stories for Catholics

1.6-The Origins and Structure of the Bible

1.7-Inspiration and the Bible as the Word of God

1.8-Interpreting the Genesis Creation Stories

1.9-Natural Law and Catholic Attitudes Towards Science

1.10-Caring for the Environment

1.11-The Meaning of Stewardship

1.12-CAFOD and Sustainability

How Does Creation of Adam Reflect Catholic Beliefs-Creation is the act through which God made the universe. This story can be found in Genesis. Paintings allow artists to express ideas that can be hard to convey in words.
⭐Adam is not yet fully alive
⭐God and Adam both look powerful and muscular showing that humans are made in the image of God

How Does Meièré's Mosaic Reflect Catholic Beliefs-The main mosaic shows the hand of God in the act of creation.
⭐Lines extend from God's hand to the eye of the circle to show that God created everything and that his influence and power touch all things
⭐God's hand is large compared to the size of the cloud above it to show God's greatness and power

Comparing Meièré's Mosaic and Creation of Adam
⭐Both show God is the creator
⭐Both show God is powerful and eternal
⭐In Creation of Adam God is shown as an old man whereas in Meièré's mosaic only God's hand is shown

Creation in Genesis1-Genesis 1 describes God's creation of the universe. It tells how God created it in six days, using the power of his word to bring things to being.
Catholics do not think that Genesis 1 is meant to be a scientific account of his creation.

What Does Genesis 1 Teach About the Nature of God
⭐God is the only creator, who has created everything
⭐Humans share qualities with God
⭐God has the power to do whatever he wants
⭐God only needs his own word in order to create
⭐God is beyond human understanding

Humans Share the Spirit of God-God created Adam by breathing into him. This shows that humans share the Spirit of God

Humans are Given the Gift of Free Will-In Genesis 2 it describes how God made the garden of Eden for Adam to live in. God tells Adam that he may eat from any tree in the garden except from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Although God tells Adam not to eat from the tree he doesn't actually prevent Adam from doing so. He gives Adam the choice to obey or disobey God.

Stewardship-In Genesis 1:28, God tells Adam and Eve to 'subdue' the earth and have domain over every living thing. This suggests that humans have been given power and authority to rule over other creatures. Adam and Eve are also told to look after the earth with care and love. This shows Christians that they have a duty to look after the environment on behalf of God

The Dignity of Human Beings-All humans are equal because they have all been made by God and were made in his image. This means that every one should be treated with respect and dignity

The Sanctity of Life-In Genesis 1 God blesses humans after he creates them. Catholics believe that all life is holy because it was created and blessed by God. The sanctity of life means that every stage of life should be treated with care and respect.

The Old Testament-The Old Testament describes how God guided the Jews throughout their early history. There are four main sections:
🌟Law the first five books, telling how the Jews became the people of God. Also contains the 'laws' or guidelines for the Jews
🌟History these show how God guided the Jews and how they often refused to listen
🌟Wisdom includes a mixture of prayers, psalms, poems and books of advice
🌟Prophecy the books of the prophets whose inspired words challenged the people to remain faithful to God

The New Testament-The New Testament deals with the life and teachings of Jesus and his apostles. There are four main sections:
The Gospels-Cover the actions and teachings of Jesus
The Acts of the Apostles-Tell of some of he events in the early Church
The Epistles-Letters that were written by the apostles and discuss how to follow Jesus' teachings in everyday life
The Book of Revelation-Written by the apostle John. It includes his own mystical visions, which some Christians believe describe the end of the world.

Interpreting the Bible Today Through the Magisterium-The Bible was written a long time ago, by people living in a very different time and society. Catholics are guided in their interpretation of the Bible by the Magisterium. Catholics believe that thee magisterium is continually inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit

How is the Bible the Word of God-The Bible is called the word of God because Christians believe that throughout the Bible, God speaks to his people. This happens in a number of ways:
⭐God guided the writing of the Bible through the Holy Sprit
⭐The Bible contains the word of God given by the prophets
⭐The Bible tells of the actions and teachings of Jesus in the Gospels
⭐The Bible contains the writings of the apostles in the Epistles

Fundamentalist Interpretations of the Genesis Creation Story's-Fundamentalists are Christians who interpret the Bible more literally. Many fundamentalists believe the universe and all life in it were literally created in six days as it is described in Genesis

Catholic Interpretations of the Genesis Creation Story's-Catholics believe the creation stories are not mean to be scientific explanations of how creation happened.

What is Natural Law-Humans are born with an understanding of what is right and wrong. God made all of creation good. Humans are made in the image of God. Following natural law is important because it is part of God's will for humans. Humans should not nee rules to tell them what is right. The most basic natural law is to do good and avoid evil.

The Catholic Church and Science-Between 1962 and 1965, the Pope and the bishops held a series of meetings to talk about important issues and update the Catholic Church's teachings on a number of topics. These meetings were known as the Second Vatican Council

Reasons to Care for the Environment-Why do Catholics believe they should care for the environment?
Reason 1-All of creation is made special because it was created by God to be good. This means that every part of it should be valued.
Reason 2-God made humans stewards of the earth. This means that humans have been given the responsibility by God to look after the earth
Reason 3-Jesus taught Christians to 'love your neighbour as yourself

The Church's Teachings on Caring for the Environment-The Catholic Church teaches that there is a delicate balance within creation. Damaging one aspect of the environment may affect other element too. Catholics should think about how their actions will affect the world in the centuries to come

1. At a Local Level-Throw away less waste. Recycle more. Walk, cycle, or use public transport instead of driving. Take part in local environmental projects. Encourage churches to reduce their carbon footprints. Educate others about the importance of protecting the environment.

2. At a National Level-Put pressure on politicians to support laws that protect the environment. Support and buy products from environmentally friendly businesses. Put pressure on companies to ensure they follow environment friendly policies.

3. At a Global Level-Put pressure on governments to implement policies agreed at international meetings. Boycott or help to expose international companies that threaten the environment.

How Sustainability links to Catholic Beliefs-Much of the worlds energy and many of the products we use come from natural resources. Sustainability links to the Catholic belief that God made every part of creation good, so all of creation is important and valuable. Catholics believe that promoting sustainable living helps to respect the goodness of all of God's creation

CAFOD's Work on Sustainability-CAFOD is the official aid agency for the Catholic Church in England and Wales. It aims to help people living in poverty, in order to create a more balanced world.