Rennaissance Review By: Emily Urban

Artwork SistineChapel-57ffd66e5f9b5805c2ac4916

rtist focused on anatomy correct people in realistic poses

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Paintings also used religious themes in

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Paintings and sculpting were influenced
by realism

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Education and music

Music also takes on a greater importance during the Renaissance and was influenced by
religious themes

Effects of this were goverment change

Politics were also affected by books like the Prince and said that the government had a
responsibility to the governed

Emphasized the importance of education and the printing press allowed books to be printed for the masses, which leads to literacy


Renaissance scientist and philosophers began questioning prior teachings and making new


This wealth and power allowed people to support and focus on the arts and artist

Close to western europe, Byzantine empire,Mediterranean sea, and muslim world

Due to their location Italian city-states were able to gain wealth and importance

Important cities included Florence,Milan, And venice

Renaissance oringinated in italy, florence



Johannes Gutenberg created the
printing press

Leponardo Da Vinci Created Mona Lisa and Last Supper

Michelangelo was a sculptor and

Michelangelo created Statue of David and Sistine Chapel

Leonardo Da Vinci was a
sculptor, artist and inventor
