Inappropriate Language
Data Tracking
Student uses sensitive words in an insulting way
Student swears or curses
Student uses code words or variations of well known swear words.
Student discusses content that is too "mature" for their age.
Behavior Charts
Inappropriate language can happen several times per day and the behavior chart allows the teacher to easily notate the frequency of student infraction.
The behavior chart has a large comments sections that allows for some more detailed notes
Easy to file and collect the data and map out the general trends over the months. For example the teacher can compare the amount of inappropriate language use in the first week of intervention with the the third month of intervention.
The teacher should write down the interventions tried in the comments section so that that any changes in frequency of infraction can be accurately linked to the corresponding intervention.
Tier 1 (first few months)
Tier 2 (after a few months)
Tier 3 (Nothing else will work)
I would teach the student substitute words. If the infractions are only occurring a few times a week then it may be that the student can be persuaded to use different terms.
If the students infractions are frequent then it may be best to take away some of the student's privileges.
If the behavior is frequent then mentoring may be the best option.
If the behavior is infrequent but consistent then a behavior contract may encourage the student to become more aware of when they use inappropriate language.
Counselor Referral (Parents must agree first !)
Tier 2 Data Tracking
Time Out Log
A tracking system that may lean toward more punishment focused interventions
Allows the teacher to keep accurate data on which punishments they are using for the inappropriate language infractions.
This log allows the teacher to explain the punishment for each infraction