Arrangement Architecture (AA)

The AA module provides a flexible framework that allows a number of new T24 modules to be created.

The application provides a business component based architecture for the management of products.

Property Class

No. of conditions (e.g. Interest Rate, Margin, ...) which control the characteristics of a Product

No. of actions, which control its processing

Product Lines


which are the basis for the creation of the products, they are sold and received

is described by the Property Class which constitute it and those which do not


a more specific classification which is necessary to fully describe a product

is a named type of Property Class


defines fundamental building blocks, to construct the individual products which are available for sale to its customers.


The field PROPERTY.CLASS indicates which property class this property belongs to

Property Group

Product groups are defined by the user in the application AA.PRODUCT.GROUP

is to provide a structure and constraints to any products derived from the group.

The field PRODUCT.LINE indicates which AA.PRODUCT.LINE this product group belongs to.

The AA.PROPERTY.CLASS definitions are released by Temenos and cannot be amended with the exception of the description fields.




it means it is complete with Product Conditions for all its Properties.

it means the Product is not complete i.e. All the Properties of the Product are not defined with Product Conditions


An arrangement is an instance of a Product associated with a Customer.

When a Product is sold to a Customer, it becomes an Arrangement with the Customer

Creating an Arrangement involves “negotiating” with the Customer for changes to the standard product specification.

An arrangement is Customer specific offering of a Product

An Arrangement is in fact a set of conditions called Arrangement Conditions which are inherited from the Product Conditions of respective Product.


Property Classes are building blocks, released by TEMENOS and you can only amend their Description

Financial institution uses these functionality of “building blocks” to construct individual products which are available for sale to its customers.

  • CCY – Product conditions for the same product will vary by currency.

  • If CCY is not defined then property will NOT be based on currency.

OPT.CCY - Indicates that properties may or may not have Currency component in them. But it needs to have a default non currency condition and when a explicit currency condition is not stated, it picks the default condition for processing.

DATED – Product conditions can vary by date and relevant dated property definition should be used when performing processing. The product property condition will contain an effective date in the record key. If DATED is not specified the record will not contain a date.

MULTIPLE – Allows more than one property of that class to be defined for a single product. If MULTIPLE is not specified only one property of this class can be linked to an AA product.

MERGE – Allows Child condition not to override parent condition blindly. This option indicates that the property class has special merging properties when doing proofing and publishing. The child condition does not override the parent condition blindly as other classes do.

FORWARD.DATED (++) – Allow users to define conditions applicable on a later date at the Arrangement level. When an action is initiated on an arrangement involving this activity, system will show the condition which is currently applicable and also future condition if any.

ARRANGEMENT -when a property class is defined with this type, then, any activity done at arrangement for the property of this class will always see the product.

This option indicates that the property of this class has some special arrangement level processing, hence, the field values are to be indicated at the arrangement level.

TRIGGER – Properties related to this property class will not appear in Arrangement Activity screen. When certain activities related to these property classes are triggered and validated in the Arrangement activity, property associated with this property class appears in the arrangement.

VARIATION: is a Type which can have an additional component in the Product condition. Variations enables variations in a single product meaning a single product for preferential pricing strategies.

  • Enables variations in a product for preferential pricing strategies.

  • Variations are defined in the virtual table AA.PRODUCT.VARIATION.

  • A single product using different conditions (variations) based on characteristics such as channel and / or customer.

  • Customer receives the product based on both eligibility and priority.