Improved socio-eco well-being of internal migrants

Improved quality of migration data to inform evidence-based, inclusive polices & programs

Improved migration governance thru mainstreaming ⭐ migration into policies & programs

Reduced vulnerabilities

Increase capacity for regular collection of mobility data in & out of UB (DTM data available for UB)


IOM thematic expert on DTM

Draft proposal: migration indicators integrated in national surveys


IOM technical support

Rolling out survey ❗

improved knowledge on existing challenges, patterns, policy gaps (Situational analysis ⭐ of current policy framework is available)

MLPS received a draft Action Plan on mainstreaming migration into policies

Improved capacity of PC, MUB, MLSP to assess policy recommendations, implementation & evaluation of policy mainstreaming

situation analysis of current government policies, processes & mechanisms relevant to internal migration

In-depth assessment on existing frameworks for property, land ownership, housing

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Migration & employment research

research on migration ban


Local advocacy NGO, Mongolian Bar Association

WG composed of focal points: national migration consultant, MLSP, MUB, PC

Desk review & policy mapping

IOM & national consultant, consultation with..

Key focal points in consultation with PC 👥

with MUB: whom in MUB❓

Focal points are trained by IOM

Plan developed for support & collaboration b/n MLSP, IOM, MUB, PC

Internal migration-related info available for actual & prospective migrants with LGs, MUB, Bar Association, State Registration Agency, migrant groups, grassroot NGOs 👥

Opportunity-based interventions

4 Migration Resource Centers established to respond to needs of urban migrants (soft skills training, info, resources, services ❓)

NGO, LG , IOm technical support 👥

2.Baseline research among migrants (creative briefs: challenges &realities of rural-urban migration, services)

1.Two workshops for LGs ❓(creative briefs: challenges & realities of rural-urban migration, services)

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  1. media camps 4 stakeholders & C4D production partner (type of most suitable media type for each target group: TV, billboard, posters, mobile applications, community events, use existing channels 🚩)
  1. FGD/consultations w migrants to test material

Produce, launch, disseminate

Post survey to assess impact

Increased capacity of Khoroo social workers & kheseg leaders 2 provide services & referral info

1.Mapping of available services with ministries, MUB, LGs, private sector, CSO, MLSP 👥

  1. CB workshops for khroo social workers & kheseg leaders
  1. Info packages for target groups (youth, women, men)

Uvs, Bayanhongor, Suhbaatar + others🔥

For prospective migrants: other destinations, return programs, incentives : 🚩

NGO, khoroo, aimag governments 👥 selected aimags & khoroos 🔥

NGO, MUB, khoroo, soum, aimag governments 👥

interviews, FGD, workshops, consultations

Develop programs for unregistered migrants, tailored to needs of men, women, children ❓

platform for migration research