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Knowledge of God (Natural vs Revealed (Emil Brunner vs Karl Barth 1934…
Knowledge of God
Natural vs Revealed
God is uniquely different from any other object so the rational aspect of natural theology might not work-by definition God is an infinate being that lies beyond reason
Fideism- the requirement that revelation is essential for humans to know anything about God's existance and nature for sure
if natural theology is all it takes to understand christ then perhaps he was just an inspired teacher and not divine
however it can be counter argued that natural theology is not just reason but also based on imagination argued by Douglas Hedley that imagination is a large part of the philosophical investigation as seen in Dantes poetic decription of heaven etc
Uncaused cause, Aquinas and his 5 ways
order of creation
duplex cognition Domini- the two fold knowledge of God as the Redeemer and the Creator . God the Creator shows his existance from order and design
Psalmists declare 'the heavens are telling the gory of Glod ;and the firmament proclaims his handiwork
Principle of accomodation Calvin -God manifests himself in ways that finite human minds can understand ie Jesus
Darwins theory of evolution counters this as nature has no purpose and natire without a purpose makes God redundant
Process Theology
Heisenbergs uncertainty principle implies that path taken by a certain particle is perhaps random but constrained by overal quantum mechanics
Jugerman suggests that similarly God provides oeral primordial guidance but the actual development is contingent upon worldly decisions
Revealed theology
If Adam hadnt fallen 'Si integer Stetisset Adam' then eeryone could know Giod and achie a state of happiness
duplex cognition Domini- the distinctive chritisn knowledge of God the Redeemer needed to hae a full relationship wih God
Holy Spirit is not God's grace sering faith but does help repair the damage of origional sin to help people to be redeemed through christ
Principle of accomodation Calvin -God manifests himself in ways that finite human minds can understand ie Jesus
Catholics belive that althoughChrist is the full and final revelation of God it is not ended and every generation needs to re think the role of faith
as revelaed theology cannot be reasoned with Dawkins thinks is a cop-out for not having to give a reaon fro religion
formed faith- this is through intellectual reason ie a person might belive an afterlife is possible 'even the devils belived in God but they did not trust him to save them'
Formed faith-will accepts what the intellect can belive ie they belive in the ressurection of Christ - it takes time and effort
Faith can only be determined by God's Grace , through the Holy Spirit
The Bible
Catholics and Protestant
Christtianity must not be reduced to the bible asit is not a religion of the book but the eternal word of the living God
Natural knowledge
Natural theology- God is the creator of the universe and human are elemts of it they have a natural predisposition to know God is there creator through reason and observation