BSBDES302 –Explore and apply the creative design process to 2D form
CUAACD301 –Produce drawings to communicate ideas

Due Date

Week 12


You have been commissioned to design and create an Adult Colouring Book. The client has asked you to select a theme that will of your choice, you will then render both manually and electronically (using Adobe Illustrator) the front cover of the final Adult Colouring Book.

Part One: Exploring 2D Forms

a) Unpacking the assessment to produce a mind map detailing key criteria

b) Brainstorm possible outcomes for an Adult Colouring Book, at this stage you should be general with outcomes and not specific

c) Use existing books and the internet to source a minimum of 20 front covers of Adult Colouring Books –Ensuring you have a variety of styles

d) Select two very different covers and discuss the drawing styles and limitations the designer may have encountered

e) Use the pyramid graphic organiser to further develop your concept, starting off with a wide variety of ideas and narrowing down as you progress up the pyramid

Part Two: Plan and Experiment

a) Using your chosen theme experiment with aspects of the theme using the below 3 technical drawing styles
1 Point Perspective
2 Point Perspective

b)Scan in: 300DPI, Full Colour and TIFF. Save in the correct working folder and file place into your EVD

c) Discuss the effectiveness of the drawing style for your chosen theme

d) Using your chosen theme experiment with aspects of the theme using the below 2 drawing styles
Continuous Contour drawing

e) Scan in: 300DPI, Full Colour and TIFF. Save in the correct working folder and file place into your EVD

f) Discuss the effectiveness of the drawing style for your chosen theme

g) Select a mark making template and apply patterns, marks, hatching, cross hatching and stippling to understand the relationship of adjoining objects

h) Scan in: 300DPI, Full Colour and TIFF. Save in the correct working folder and file place into your EVD

i) Following WHS procedures throughout the drawing process

Part Three: Communicating the Concept

a) Following WHS procedures throughout the drawing process

b) Working into the comprehensives area for a title and Illustrated by..

c) Scan in: 300DPI, Full Colour and TIFF. Save in the correct working folder and file place into your EVD

d) Suggest a colour scheme for each of your comprehensive drawings

e) Upload comprehensive drawings onto the Connect Discussion board and obtain 3 pieces of feedback

f) Working within Adobe Illustrator create 5 new colour groups, evidence with your EVD

g) Trial and test 5 typefaces for the “Title” and “Illustrated by...”

h) Display the typeface name and any formatting you may require

i) Produce a final hand drawn front cover communicating your concept and including a “Title” and “Illustrated by...

j) Scan in: 300DPI, Full Colour and TIFF. Save in the correct working folder and file place into your EVD

k) Using digital tools ands equipment produce a final digital front cover

l) Print out 3 copies and apply 3 medias reflective if your final colour scheme

m) Scan in: 300DPI, Full Colour and TIFF. Save in the correct working folder and file place into your EVD

n) Reflect on the media usedand the effectiveness against the chosen theme

o) Produce 6 digital pages to complement your front cover and or theme

p) Reflect on your work, looking at limitations, drawing styles and processes

q) Prepare works for professional presentation to client and for storage

r) Mount on your final hand drawn and digital Adult Colouring Book onto black card with a 25mm border