Essential Knowledge:
a. how creative ideas can be developed in response to different stimuli and imaginative thinking
b. how different art forms communicate and evoke moods, thoughts and ideas
e. that accepted forms and conventions can give structure and purpose to artistic works but can be adapted and changed
Cross Phase Skills:
To view the work of and communicate with artists through visits to galleries exhibitions or by working with visiting artists.
E1a. To be inspired by the world around you.
(Books, videos, galleries, internet, digital-based resources, artist in residence, the environment).
M1a. To discover artists, craftspeople and designers in different times and cultures.
Explore & Experiment
M2a. To use a variety of approaches to explore the formal elements and to experiment with different techniques and processes.
M3a. To record with some detail images, artefacts, feelings and experiences.
M4b.To start to select suitable materials appropriate to purpose.
M4c. To make a final outcomeDiscuss & Describe
M5a. To discuss what they have done and compare what they feel about their own and other’s work.