
Hecate :husband &wife

the goddess of the world

all the people pray to Hecate 3 times a day

Poseiden: brothers

He can use the wave to protect the sea.

the god of the sea

When Poseidon was sad, a great number of monsters climbed out of the sea.

Uranus: grandfather& grandson

Poseidon also can use the trident to defence and attack the other people.

the god of the sky

the fist god king

He was killed by Cronus, his son.

all the people believed that they were made by Hecate.

Cronus: father & son

Cronus was the second king of the gods

Cronus was a very famous despot in the myth stories.

Cronus ate all his children except Zeus.

His was killed by Zeus and other gods.

Apollo: son& father

Apollo was the king of the sun.

Apollo can control the planets in the solar system.

All the people admired and prayed to Apollo because they need the sunshine to grow the crops.