2.4C Scheepers, C. B., & Sita, D. (2016). Allergan SA Contextual Leadership Sustaining Culture During Mergers (9B16C044). Western Univers

Morne scheepers feb 2016


Siper tribe

Time Lines


Top manager resigns

Social Capital Relationships with doctors erg

Disinvestment from South Africa

Industry Background

April 1977

Specialty medical stuff- Autstetic

40 countries - own subsidiaries

Country manager


Activas Vs Allergen

Activas Los 1.6Bil

Alergen Profit 1.5Bil

Activas and the merger

398 Bil mergers in July 2015

Activas started as Watson pharma

Opreated in Americas Europe and asia

Novemer 2014 Activas signed definite deal

Activas became allergan

Revenues will leap frog due to generic over teva

Teva buys Allergen for 40.5 Bil (Generic drug bus)l

Low MArgin Drug Bus ( Economies of Scale)

Man, Mergers

Super Tribe

HR Mauretinai Gerze

Ray Immelman

Steven Covey

7 habits

Best Company to Work For

Valiant Attempted Take over 2014 - 46-54Bil

Allergan then buys Activas (white knight)

Operation Endurance

Will Steenkamp keep Top job

Do Conflict management

Best of Both

Contectual leadership Intelegence - needs to apopt characteristcs need to adapt

10500 allergen vs 21600 on Avtivas

MAEO and Noriah

Value Driven Leader

No Holiday low trust

Post Aquisitions integration interventions

Pro Active Steps

Consultants Surveys and workshops with both company employees

News Letters and comunications

Open and transparent HR Practices with retrenchments


No Control on Person Level

Uncertainty about future

Relationship changes

Low Morale and stess - low productivity-commitment - job satisfaction

Client and customer groups

Open and clear communication

Challenges ahead more mergers