story of an hour article
author: Kate Chopin
not assuming
we assumed she was happy with her husband's death
spring time
window open
father in "Desiree's baby" did not actually love his child
confirming before taking action
language, thoughts, actions, and feelings
author leaves hints
if she had gone to the morgue or waited to get more confirmation about her husband's death then she would not have started acting on her feelings about her husband's death
people make assumptions everyday. Its human nature.
bias: because we are given a piece of info and then we think and act on how we feel about the topic
mind and body= systems
language: way to communicate with one another
thought: processing what is being said
reading, writing, speaking, listening
action: responding to what is being spoken about
not allowing bias to interfere with interpretation with words and thoughts
example: test. More multiple choice, there's not much room for thoughts and feelings to affect the answers of the test
allowing out thoughts and feelings to interfere with the thoughts and feelings
example: tests. and how we answer written questions
As well as MATH. there are only right or wrong. NO room for subjective bias
its important to look at htings objectively that way you can understand other's and your own bias so you can understand something through more lenses instead of just your own narrow minded views
frozen evaluation: certain type of perspective
whether its good or bad or neutral. It could affect the way you look and think about things in the future
Ex: if you go to a hockey game and you get punched then you're not going to want to go to another one because of your previous experience
if you're scared to do something or not god at it then its human nature to want to shy away from it and not do it until you get good and comfortable with it.
We know our biases so we should learn to view them and understand where they're coming from so you can change them if they are too personal and do not allow for proper understanding
Mrs. Mallard: she started making assumptions on her husband's death and her bias was wanting to be free from a man that she may or may not have like.
Normally you would want to confirm it for yourself if your loved one had died but she immediately jumped on the thought of her dead husband
feminism and masculinity: its important to have proper communications (face to face) so you can properly share your emotions
body language and understanding between a man and a woman
you're not always going to agree on things but you need to communicate otherwise assumptions could be made and then there could be incorrect actions being made and then things can crumble.
not willing to hear someone out, or bad at responding
at times we need to shut up and listen to what the other has to say to understand the true meaning behind what is being said
emotional intelligence: understanding social ques and being able to respond with the desired way that the other wants