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identity by: Julio Noboa Polanco, INTRO
identity by: Julio Noboa Polanco
Why did you select this poem?
What does the title tell you about the poem?
What is your first impression of the poem? Do you like it? Why or why not?
What is the poem about? (what is the theme or subject of the poem?)
Tone: Do you think the author has a positive or negative attitude towards the subject? (Or a different feeling towards the subject of the poem?) Explain
Do you think the poem has a purpose? What do you think it is/ What do others (experts) think it is?
I chose this poem because of the creativity that was put into it. The poet, Julio used a ton of figurative language to send a certain image across his reader's minds. The poem was creatively written and easy as well as interesting to read; a good choice for people who are thinking about starting to read poetry. It truly is the whole package
The title,
immediately hints that the poet would describe identities in a subtle, metaphoric way. For example; "I'd rather be a tall ugly weed" here, the author is describing his desire to be a
so called
ugly weed, as in wanting his identity to be an
ugly tall weed
As for my first impression, I genuinely think that the said poem is marvelous. Why? The poet wrote the poem with full understanding of what image and message he wanted to be delivered to his readers. Using a fair amount of figurative language in the process
The poem is about the poets(?) identity, he talked about what he wanted to be as well as how people have shunned him for keeping true to his identity. Mourning about how had carried his soul along with him in an unpleasant journey of people demanding change. He also elaborated on the fact that he'd rather be unseen than being avoided. The poem circulates on the fact that standing strong on both your feet is more important than letting greedy human change who you are, stay true to yourself.
The poet used a negative approach in his poem. Even though his attitude was negative he sort of had a hidden positive feeling; self love. The poet negatively described how people are greedy for change, yet even though he negatively and low-keyed the fact that he wouldn't dare change because he personally knows his true self worth.
The poem has a a purpose that isn't really spoken but more of a feeling you get while reading the poem. The poet worked hard into conveying his feelings through metaphoric use. Wanting people to know how hard the feeling of being avoided as well as neglected for being you is to describe.
1st body
does the author write about a person or event from history? Explain
Does the author write about certain things from the past?
When was the poem written and/or published?
What do you know about that time period?
Where was the poet living and what was he/she doing (working, going to school, etc) at that time?
Do you think what was going on during that time period had anything to with this poem. Explain?
1st body answers
The poet did not write about acertain person nor event, more as he wrote a complicated feeling most people have been through, including him
no clue
no clue
no clue
no clue
no clue
2nd body
are there any divisions in the poem? (space of lines, words or letters)
Does the poem rhyme
If yes, how? Does it follow a particular rhyme scheme? If so explain.
How does the form of the poem contribute to the meaning of it? (for ex; does rhyming contribute?)
2nd body answers
The poem is divided in a categorized, neat form. The poem's division varies from 3 stanza's to 6. No more, no less.
No, the poem does not rhyme. Making it more of a target for an older age group.
In the poem, the first noticeable is the shortage of rhymes. Fortunately, the author showed amazing use of figurative language. Which, of course, majorly contributes to the poem's sufficiency.
3rd body
what is the mood of the poem? Is it happy, sad, remorseful, sentimental, etc? Which words contribute to the overall mood?
Does the poem use any comparisons of things using the words
Does the poem compare things without using like or as?
Does the poem give non-human things human characteristics?
3rd body answers
Pursuing further, the mood of the poem is rather 'rejected' and melancholic.He used words such as; abyss, greedy, musty, etc. The mood said above is the one you'd immediately feel at first. But after thinking about it, there is a hidden ray of hope of self worth, making the poem's mood more content, determined and hopeful. "If i could stand alone, strong and free"
The poet did compare using as or like a couple of times. For example; "let them be as flowers". Comparing humans with flowers, that bloom if given attention to and die if not. "Clinging on cliffs, like an eagle". Here, the author is forcing a certain image to his readers. A picture of an eagle holding on tight, claws digging, into the cliff.
As for metaphors, the poet did not add many. For ex; "carrying my soul, my seed" Comparing between his scarred soul and a seed. Meaning that his soul is the root of everything and without it he's nothing.
The poet added hyperbole to make clear of the fact of how dramatic the poem can be. For ex; "Beyond the mountains of time" As in how time is big piles of endless mountains.
Ask yourself 'so what?' about the poem. What is the point of it? Why do you think he wrote it?
After researching and analyzing the poem, has your opinion of the poem changed at all? If so, how? If not, why?
Do you think your classmates would like this poem? Why or why not?
Why is this poem relevant today?
How will this poem be relevant in he future?
How does this poem inspire readers?
conclusion answers
The point of the poem is to raise awareness to a topic not much dare to discuss, which is staying true to yourself. In my opinion I think the poet went through something similar (i.e, being shunned by others but still holding his ground)
My opinion of the poem hadn't bit, from beginning to end, even after analyzing it. I genuinely think this poem contains both creativity and logic which is marvelous. The poets writing style also plays a big part.
In all honesty I honestly think most of my classmates would actually give it a go. The poem has it's own charm that attracts it's readers from the first line, or to some just the title.
This poem stays relevant till today because the issue mentioned, still roams around nowadays.
The said issue will probably last for years from now, it had been going for centuries. Making me believe that the poem would still stand relevant.
This poem inspires readers by telling them how people are greedy and will demand change, but you gotta stand o your own no matter who tries to throw you down.